Ana: Why?
Brad: It doesn't look like a place where the producers will send us... Compare this to the previous venues... This place looks so dull...
Camilla: I don't think it looks bad at all... Shall we go check the place out?
Andi: Yeah, looks like there's a shopping center over there...
Mikale: Haha, just like how girls are... Just give them a place to shop...
Ana: What's wrong with that? We like to shop until we drop... Hehe...
Mr. Ron: Hey guys, look over there!... There's another boat coming this way...!
Mikale: I didn't see any other islands on our way here, only that huge rock mountain over there and I'm sure nobody can make a living between those rocks...
Fungi: Mmmm... I wonder...
Mr. Ron: What?
Fungi: *thinking*When I was small my momma told me about a jungle in the middle of a rock mountain... I wonder if this can be the place?
Camilla: They really told you that?
Leif: I heard that story from my parents too... So it must be true... I'm sure there must be a way to enter the place...
Brad: But how will we do that? We're basically stranded here until production comes pick us up again in a few hours... And it's too far to swim over there...
Mikale: Hey guys look over there...
Mikale: Yep, I think the same thing...
Ana: You guys are crazy... I don't see anything green between those rocks... Girls let's rather go 'explore' the shops...
Fungi: But if it's true, I would like to see the jungle my mom told me about...
Andi: Yeah, it will be so cool to explore a real jungle...
Camilla: Haha, maybe we will meet Tarzan...!
Ana: Hello... Am I the only sane person here...?
Mikale: You can go explore the shops on your own and we will meet you here later if you really want to...
Ana: What? You can't leave me all alone here! I'm going with you guys!
Leif: So what are we waiting for...? Let's go!
Fungi: Awww... Wow! I'm finally going to see the jungle that my momma told me about... I wonder if it's so beautiful as how she describes it...
Mr. Ron: I think it will be and more...
Fungi: Oh I can't wait to see it all...
Mr. Ron: Aww... What if we're all wrong and there isn't this jungle that your mom told you about?
Ana: Are you guys sure about this? What if we get lost?
Mikale: I told you to stay...
Ana: Yeah, I know... But I couldn't stay alone all by myself... What if I get kidnapped?
Mikale: Haha, who will kidnap you...? That person must be crazy... You will scratch their eyes out...
Ana: Yeah I will... But seriously... What if...?
Mikale: I will come and look for you, and rescue you from the beasts... But luckily you are with us now and there's nothing to worry about... Okay?
Camilla: I'm excited for you and Fungi if we can get that jungle...
Leif: Yeah, it's a blessing that we came on this date together... I'm mean not together, together... Each one with our own date...
Camilla: Haha, I know... You two are good friends...?
Leif: Yeah, we are...
Camilla: But didn't you two date...?
Leif: As in a couple? I don't think we ever think that way... We always want to get each other a partner...
Camilla: Yeah, like you did with a previous AYTO season... You told Fungi Alec was her perfect match...
Leif: Yeah, the producers and I were wrong...
Camilla: So who do you think is her perfect match this time? Do you think it's Mr. Ron?
Leif: I'm not sure... Mr. Ron is okay, but she needs someone more sporty...
Andi: I can't believe we're doing this! This is really so crazy...! Looking for a jungle in the middle of a rock mountain... Do you think it's true...
Brad: Aww... For Fungi and Leif's sake... I really hope so... But at the same time, it's really fun to do this!
Andi: Yeah, I think that island they dropped us off is boring...
Brad: So you really want to do this more than go shopping like Ana?
Andi: Sure... This is more exciting and I can't wait to see if we will find the jungle...
Brad: We're about to know... Look...!
Everybody: Wow! So it's true!
Leif: Guys, there are two paths, so let's split up... Fungi will go with Mr. Ron, Andi, and Brad and I will accompany Camilla, Mikale, and Ana... And let's stay together... We don't know if there is any dangerous animals or people around...
Fungi: Wow! It's so beautiful, just like my momma told me...
Mr. Ron: I'm sure it is... Will we follow the path?
Fungi: Yeah, it will be safer...
Mr. Ron: Actually this path shows that there are other people around...
Fungi: True... We should look out for them...
Andi: Awww... Look at this! Look at all the beautiful plants...!
Brad: Hey... you're staying behind...
Andi: I can't help it... I just want to look everywhere... There are so many new plants I never saw before... It's so awesome! It's almost unbelievable... Do you think the people will believe us when we told them about this?
Fungi: Aww... I really wish My mom could see this...
Mr. Ron: Don't you want to take pictures for your them?
Fungi: I think I will rather bring them here... They need to experience this themselves...
Mr. Ron: Yeah, true...
Fungi: Just listen to the birds... This is a happy place... I don't think there are any bad people here...
Mr. Ron: Would you like to stay here, forever?
Fungi: Maybe... But the place where Leif and I came from is just as beautiful... This place is more sacred... It's for special occasions, like when you want to meditate...
Mr. Ron: Yeah, I can feel it too...
Andi: Do you think we will find other people here...?
Brad: Maybe... We didn't meet any yet...
Andi: I just hope they are good people...
Leif: Just follow the path and don't wander too far away from us, Okay...?
Mikale: Yeah sure...
Ana: So you guys were right about this place...?
Mikale: Yeah, isn't it exciting?
Ana: I guess...
Mikale: But you would rather go shopping?
Ana: Mmmm...
Mikale: Aww man, just be more enthusiastic...! This is better than shopping...! Admit it!
Ana: Actually, you're right! It is more exciting! Did you hear that bird? Do you know what kind it is?
Camilla: I really can't believe that your parents' story was true...! Do you think they saw this place? Were they here?
Leif: I'm not sure, but I think they would have shown the place to us if they did...
Camilla: Now you can bring them here... Show them their story does actually exist...! Wow! It's so awesome!
Leif: Yeah, it is... And I can just look at everything...
Camilla: Tell me about the place where you guys come from... Is it as beautiful as here?
Leif: Yeah, almost...
Brad: Do I imagine it, or is the jungle not so densely anymore?
Fungi: Yeah, We are entering the residential area... Look!
Mr. Ron: Wow! But I don't see any people around...
Brad: Maybe they are hiding... Will we get closer?
Andi: Is it safe?
Mikale: Guys, look! We are at the end of the path...
Camilla: Look! Horses!
Ana: But no people... Creepy...
Mikale: Leif, where are the people? There are houses but we didn't see any people yet...
Ana: I told you there's something wrong with this place...
Brad: The garden looks healthy... So the people must be around...
Andi: Do you think they hide from us? I don't see any motion inside the house...
Fungi: Maybe this is a sacred place where everything is alive and grows on its own... I think my momma mentioned that...
Mr. Ron: So do you think there's really no people around?
Fungi: It seems that way...
Andi: So will we go inside?
Camilla: Wow! look at this place! Will we go meet the people that are living here?
Leif: I don't think there are any people around?
Mikale: Seriously? Who build all these places then if nobody is around?
Leif: Maybe centuries ago there were people here... But sadly they passed away...
Ana: But how do the gardens stay so beautiful without any maintenance...?
Mikale: I know... Magic!
Camilla: Yeah, this place is magical...! Just look at it!
Fungi: My momma told me about all these beautiful houses... It almost sounds like a fairytale...
Mr. Ron: Yeah, I can imagine that fairies will stay here in these houses... So do you think we are a perfect match? Did Leif tell you anything yet?
Fungi: I'm not sure, and Leif didn't tell me anything... But I do like your company...
Mr. Ron: Aww... Really?
Andi: So do you think we are a perfect match?
Brad: I really don't know...
Andi: Aww... It's Fungi...? You still have feelings for her?
Brad: I'm sorry, but yeah, I do have feelings for her and hope we can patch things up this season...
Andi: But what if you two aren't a perfect match?
Brad: I guess then I have to live with it then...
Mikale: I can't believe the houses are all open and we could just pick and choose where we can stay for the night...

Ana: I can't believe you guys decided to stay for the night... What will production think if they don't find us there on the island?
Mikale: Aww man... We did leave a message for them...
Mikale: Can you just stop complaining and relax and enjoy the moment?
Leif: So will we go out tonight?

Camilla: I'm all dressed up, so I guess we can go paint the town red!
Leif: Haha... Did someone tell you, you are fun to be with?
Camilla: This place is really amazing...!
Andi: Yeah, nobody will believe us that we danced in the middle of the jungle...
Mikale: It just proves that people love to have fun no matter which century it is...
Ana: True...
And as the sun comes up they explore some other fun places...
Leif: I will always remember this...
Camilla: Yeah, who would guess there can be a magical place in the middle of a rocky mountain...?
Fungi: I'm gonna bring my momma to this place... She must see this with her own eyes...
Mr. Ron: Yeah, maybe you and your perfect match can start a living here... It will be nice to see more people and children walking and playing around in these gardens...
Fungi: Yeah, maybe we can...
Ana: I just want to apologize for complaining all the time... After all, I did have a good time here, thanks...
Mikale: It's okay... Apology accepted...

Andi: Haha, I can't believe you persuade me to get on this thing...
Brad: I told you it would be fun...
Mikale: And now we have to go back...
Ana: Can't we stay here forever...?
Mikale: I wish...! Maybe we can come back one day...
Ana: That would be nice...
And so end an exciting unexpected memorable date...
And one last peek...
I found all the fairy places on the internet and couldn't decide where to put them, so I decided to create this world... I hope you enjoyed it!
Back at the AYTO house...
Camilla: Well, I think it's nice to be back after last season's abrupt cancellation. I can't say that it was because some obnoxious people kept casting spells that disrupted production, but I'm not not saying it either.
So about Randolph. He's a really nice guy, but we can't end up together because we've already tried, and believe me, we don't want to open up that can of worms. *Camilla chuckles* But I'd still rather pick him over Mikale, though. Ugh, of all the people from season 4. It's going to be awkward bumping into him. But at least I've prepared some anti-magic charms in case he tries anything funny...
Alyssa: So what do you think of a girl's out evening?

Fungi: Are you going to sing for us again?

Alyssa: Yeah, I got the perfect song just for the girls...
Fungi: Sure... Where will it be?

I don't get this debate on Randell eating ice cream at the morning? What is so wrong about it? I mean some people eat cat or baby food, this is more worrying to me than ice cream. Dana, Susie, and Maryweather need to calm down, I mean what if Randell is the match of one of them, he won't like it.
I've been talking to Ed and Darnell a lot lately, they are like soo totally cool. Maryweather said that I couldn't date them both, but she didn't say I couldn't like them. Let's see, maybe one of the is my match.
Randolph: So did you decide who to choose for the matching ceremony?

Russell: Not yet... I will see who's still available when it's my turn to choose...
Randolph: Yeah, true... But I think we need to decide beforehand who we will choose...
Randolph: Actually true... So I guess we choose a girl that we think we're not matching with...?

Russell: Good thinking... Just hope that the winners didn't choose their matches...
Randolph: Although they all look like matches I don't think so...
Russell: So you think you know who's everybody's match?
Randolph: Haha... No... But I will work it out...

Mikale: I wonder if people think I'm being really nice for real or if I'm being fake. I guess time will tell. I enjoyed Marietta's company...she's easy on the eyes, but I'm kind of glad she wasn't my match. I wouldn't want to find it first and then be bored the rest of the time. I'm not super interested in any of the ladies yet, but I've been so busy making the p-----er---well, making myself look good, it's hard to concentrate on anything else. Um, I have things to do, so I'd better poof.

The guys are so dreamy around here. I can't even pick one I really like. Brad is super cute with the green hair. Caleb has a very nice facial structure and his glasses make him super cute. Randolph is like a bar of chocolate that I want to bite into. *giggles* Leif is one who intrigues me. He's one I want to get to know more. Ed has an old-fashioned name but is quite handsome. Russell is definitely odd. He is one I'm intrigued by, too. Darragh--well, let's just say I'd love to have those muscular arms wrapped around me. *sighs* Alec is uber cute, but I feel like a lot of the women like him. So, I'm not as intrigued by him. Ron is...well, one I definitely want to know more. He's fascinating, but not attractive. I mean, who would be attracted to metal unless you are a magnet. I want to know him more. It's a great example of getting to know someone for them instead of just by looks alone. Josh is cute. Enough said. Darnell is curious. I want to know who he's interested in. I may also want to take a nice chocolatey bite out of him, too. *blushes*
And Mikale isn't really a friend. Just because he dated my friend and broke her heart, doesn't mean anything. I just begged and begged him until he got annoyed. He's acting very different, though. If he keeps it up, he might have a fighting to chance to be a friend. Well, except when he tried to "protect" me at the dining room table the other day. That was annoying. But who can change their stripes to dots that fast? I don't trust him.
Bobbie-Sue: Can you girls help me to get a potion for Mr. Ron? I really want to rescue him from his tin body...

Ana: I know... We can ask Mikale... He knows some magic...
Bobbie-Sue: Yeah, I forgot, there are actually a few witches from the last season... We need to talk to them...
Alyssa: I sensed someone is in love after their date...
Ana: Not...
Bobbie-Sue: I talked to the girls and they will help me find a cure for you...
Mr. Ron: Awww... That will be nice... I know people accept me for what I am but I really want my human body back...
Bobbie-Sue: I'm sure you will have... Soon... We just need to get that cure...

Sara: "Mariëtte has been making all these small godannoying.. digs here and there since this game has started and it really... grinds. my. gears. Like, all these times she's... talking with other people and she... pretends that she's talking about me.. or just a small remark, or just...... She's such an asshole.... pardon my language, I know some of the readers don't like that, but I really have to.. express my feelings for once... I'm much more of a thinker myself. Sometimes we gotta throw out our feelings and face the facts."
Ed: Did you hear the girls plan an evening out...?

Darnell: Yeah, so can't we do the same thing...?
Ed: Having a braai and watch Rugby...! It sounds awesome!

Mariëtte: "Oh. My god... OH. My. God!... Ice cream for breakfast? That is.. heresy, just heresy. Towards the breakfast gods. Everyone should know that lemon key pie with chocolate sprinkles is THE way to have breakfast."
*Mariëtte nods in agreement with her statement*
Mariëtte: "Even Sara agrees with me on that. HEY SARA, DID YOU HEAR THAT? EVEN I CAN AGREE WITH THINGS YOU SAY, GIRL!"
Mariëtte: "Now, anyways.. kinda sucks that Mikale and I aren't a perfect match. But that's no problem since all these so-called 'perfect matches' are just the results of cold, logical calculations. But logic doesn't rule the heart. Only the heart does. Where'd the world be if heartless logic ruled the world? Nah, I don't wanna know..."
*Mariëtte shakes her head in disgust*
Mariëtte: "... But anyways, oh right, Mikale. I think we still could get along. Although, I still need to bond a bit more with the girls and make some friends there. Now, who'd make for a better start than my most favorite roomie Lindsay?"
Mariëtte: So do you have an idea who your perfect match is?

Daniella: I have a few of the guys in mind... Do you know?
Mariëtte: I really hoped it was Mikale, but oh well...
Daniella: Yeah, you would have made an awesome couple... You got light hair and he got dark hair...
Mikale: So did you decide who you're going to choose?
Joshua: I'm not sure yet, but Russell suggests that we need to go for no matches at all then next time it will be easier to choose if we can scratch all the non-matches out...
Darragh: Can I sit here?
Mikale: Sure...
Darragh: So what are you guys talking about?
Joshua: The matching ceremony... Do you know who you're going to choose?
Darragh: I'm not sure... I do like Bobbie-Sue and we had a nice date...
Mikale: But what do you think about the idea for a non-match at all...
Caleb: But we still don't know if the winners had chosen a perfect match...
Joshua: We will know after the Truth Booth... But I doubt if any of them are a perfect match...
Mikale: Ana and I can be a perfect match...
Joshua: Did you had a nice time together on the date?
Mikale: Yeah, after she stops complaining about everything...
Joshua: Was it so bad..?
Mikale: You guys should hear her... She almost ruined everything for us...
Joshua: But on the end, she did apologize...
Mikale: Yeah, she did and after that, we had fun together! I won't mind if she's my perfect match... She's actually a stunning girl...
Ed: You're both have dark hair... Mmm, I can see that you're a perfect match...
Caleb: But it will ruin our plan if they are...
Darragh: Oh well we will see...
And then the girls night out...
Alyssa: This one's for the girls...
'This one's for the girls' chosen by Ninja sang by Martina McBride:
Click Here for the video... Hope you enjoy!
Mariëtte: I wish...
Sara: Mmmm...
Bobbie-Sue: Tell us all about the date... You should have taken pictures...
Camilla: Yeah we should... I didn't think of it...
Ana: Me neither...
Bobbie-Sue: So do you think you and Mikale is a perfect match?
Ana: We did have a nice time together so I really hope so...
Sara: Why are we the only girls that drink tea?
Mariëtte: Haha... Maybe they think it's only old people that drink tea...
Alyssa: This one's for the girls...
Who've ever had a broken heart,
Who've wished upon a shooting star,
You're beautiful the way you are,
This one's for the girls,
Who love without holdin' back,
Who dream with everything they have,
All around the world,
Ana: Oh well, if not...
Feather: This is really fun... We need to do this more...
This one's for the girls.....
And back at the AYTO house the guys also having fun...
Darnell: Hey Alec! You burned the food...! How must we eat this crab?
Alec: Don't worry I will prepare another dish...
Ed: Just don't burn it again...! Okay?
Caleb: So when does the match starting?
Randolph: Yeah! Stop talking! We want to see the match!
Joshua: Did someone see Mr. Ron?
Darragh: I saw him earlier... Hopefully, he didn't burn out...
Russell: Quiet guys the match is going to start... I bet you the Sharks will beat the Cheetahs...!
Caleb: Hey Alec! How far are you with that food? I'm starving!
Alec: Just a few more minutes...
Joshua: Yes! Go Cheetahs!
Russell: Damn Sharks! Can't you stop them!
Joshua: Go! go! go!
Randolph: Stop them!
Caleb: Aww... man!
Russell: Good game!
Alec: Sorry guys... I burned the food again!
Caleb: It's okay, I've lost my appetite...
Brad: And I'm going to bed... Good night!
Matching Ceremony - Truth Booth
John: So let's see who you decided must go to the truth booth...
Everybody: Who?
Beatrix-Maye: You guys decided on Fungi and Mr. Ron!
Everybody: Yes!
John: So do you think you are right?
Beatrix-Maye: Aww... Not a match!
John: Okay, let's see who the guys will choose...?
Beatrix-Maye: Caleb is first...
Caleb: I choose Daniela...
John: Next to choose is Darnell...
Darnell: I choose Alyssa...
Beatrix-Maye: It's Randolph's turn to choose... Who will it be?
Randolph: Bobbie-Sue...
John: Joshua, who do you choose?
Joshua: I choose Emily-Ann
Beatrix-Maye: next to choose is Darragh...
Darragh: I choose Sara...
John: Ed?
Ed: I choose Lyndsay...
Beatrix-Maye: Russell is the last to choose and then Alec will be with the last girl left...
Mariëtte: *thinking* "Please not me, please don't pick me hobo-man, please pick saloon girl and not me, please please please..."
Russell: I will choose Mariëtte...
Mariëtte: Dang...
John: And Alec is left with Feather...
John: So let see if you got any matches... Are you ready...?
Everybody: Yes!
Beatrix-Maye: Come on...!
John: Please... Just one...
Everybody: ....
John: Sorry guys...
Beatrix-Maye: No lights lit up so I guess no matches this round...
John: Yeah, Hope for the best next round... Good night!
Sorry guys! Next time more Luck! Good Night!
Stay tuned for the next episode!