The daters find them somewhere in Africa
This world can be downloaded here
Mikale: Yeah, it is...
Ana: Mmmm... The water really has a soothing effect.
Mikale: Shall we skinny dip?
Ana: Haha... With the path just behind us? People running up and down here all the time... I don't think so...
Mikale: Dang...
Feather: This place is amazing...
Russell: Yeah it almost reminds me of my creator's place, South Africa...
Feather: It's not far from here?
Russell: No, just a few hundred miles south...
Feather: I can think it must be beautiful there too...?
Russell: Yeah, I'm sure of it...
Emily-Ann: Wow! This is breathtaking...
Leif: Yeah, it is...
Emily-Ann: Will you like to stay here?
Leif: Mmmm... I think I prefer a more jungle environment.
Emily-Ann: Ooooh... Yeah like the one that you went on a previous date?
Leif: Yeah... That was cool... A little secluded but nice...
Daniela: I will like to stay here forever... I think...
Randolph: Yeah, I will also like to stay here...
Daniela: Maybe we can visit one of the villages tomorrow?
Randolph: Yeah, that would be nice...
Daniela: Shall we go back to the camp?
Randolph: Sure, hopefully, there is some food ready... I'm starving...
Back at the camp.
Leif is preparing food for them and the others are sitting around the campfire...
Emily-Ann: It's nice of you to prepare the food for us... Are you going to eat with us? I know you are a vegetarian.
Leif: Yeah, meat makes me sick. But I already prepare a salad for me to eat. So I'm good...
Feather: Maybe we can do a fire dance? Do you want to join me?
Russell: I will just step on your toes...
Daniela: That sounds cool... I will join you...
Randolph: Ooooh, I think that will be fun...
Ana: So let's dance then...
Mikale: I think Leif is finished with the food. Let's rather go eat... I'm starving...
Ana: Yeah, yeah...
The next morning.
Feather and Russell go sightseeing on horseback...
Feather: Can we go to the volcano? I always want to see what is inside.
Russell: Mmmm... See the white on top of the mountain? Looks like snow...
Feather: I wonder if they're going to vote for us for the Truth Booth?
Russell: Mmmm...
Leif and Emily-Ann decided to go boating on the river...
Leif: Do you think we are a perfect match?
Emily-Ann: Mmmm... We'll have to see after the matching ceremony.
Leif: So you don't think so?
Emily-Ann: I didn't say that...
Leif: But your eyes tell a different story...
Emily-Ann: I'm sorry...
Daniela and Randolph visit the village of the Mahiri Tribe.
Daniela: Hey, doggie, want a snack?
Randolph: Hey, be careful. It's a wild dog, not your normal pet dog. He might just bite you?
Daniela: Aww... He doesn't look wild... He looks so cute...
Daniela: What kind of animals are these?
Randolph: I'm not sure but the little one with the spots might be another type of a wild dog...
Daniela: I wonder why do they keep these animals for pets...?
Daniela: Shall we go explore the catacomb?
Randolph: Do you want to?
Daniela: Nah... Maybe another day...
Ana and Mikale went swimming...
Mikale: We really should skinny dipping...
Ana: Haha... You're joking...
Mikale: I know what I'm going to do...
Ana: What?
Mikale: See that rock up there? I'm going to dive from there.
Ana: Ooooh... Aren't you scared?
Mikale: Nope... Watch me...
Ana: Woooo... That was awesome!
Mikale: I thought you would like it... Must I do it again?
Ana: Nah... Next time I might not be so lucky and you fall on me...
Back at the camp.
Daniela: Aww, it's our last night... It really was fun to be here...
Ana: Yeah, I'm really coming back one day...
Leif: Feather told me you guys visit the Zimwombe ruins... Did you get any treasure?
Russell: Haha... No... We're weren't equipped for exploring... Pity...
Feather: Did you guys see any animals?
Emily-Ann: We did... Zebras and some wild dogs...
Mikale: You guys should've swum with us... The water was really nice...
Randolph: I'm sure it would've be...
And a few more pictures...
And that was the end of their date at the African world.
Meanwhile at the AYTO house:
Mr. Ron: Emily-Ann...!
Mr. Ron races over to Emily Ann still tied up on the bed and uses the scissors Andi found to cut the ties holding her to the bed.
Emily-Ann: Ron is it really you? How did you find me?
Mr. Ron: I was looking everywhere!
"Emily Ann!" Ron sighs as he hugs her,
Mr. Ron: "I was afraid I'd never see you again.
Mr. Ron: When you disappeared a million horrible things flooded my thoughts, but the one that frightened me the most was that I'd never see you again."
Emily-Ann: Why are you hugging her? I thought I'm your perfect match! You told me that!
Sara: No, no it's not true! He is my perfect match!
Fungi: Haha... Girls, you are all wrong... Ron is my perfect match!
Camilla: What is going on here?
Camilla: Ron, come with me...
Camilla: None of them is your perfect match... I am...!
Mr. Ron: "..."
Caleb decides to check the shack out the day after the winners and their dates left...
Caleb: Mmmm... I wonder who's tombstone is that? Was it here before?
Caleb: Ugh... This place is a mess. I wonder who owns this place? It must be empty for years. I wonder why Emily-Ann fancy this place...
Just then Emily-Ann enters the room.
Caleb: Emily-Ann?
Emily-Ann: Yeah... That's my name... What are you doing here?
Emily-Ann: I'm here! Don't you see?
Caleb: But I saw with my own eyes how Emily-Ann left with the others. Who are you? You look like her but...
Emily-Ann: I am her! Can't you see! I left them somewhere and came back here... Maybe at the airport?
Caleb: What the hell! You are not Emily-Ann!
Emily-Ann: But I am her!
Caleb: Look in the mirror! You are not Emily-Ann! You're a freak! You got a green skin and your eyes...! OMG! You're an alien!
???: What? *looking at her hands*
Caleb: What are you doing here? Why are you impersonating Emily-Ann?
???: Yeah, you're right... I'm not Emily-Ann!
???: Say hi to my sister!
And then she vanishes before Caleb's eyes...
Caleb: What the hell...!
Caleb: I need to get out of here!
???: Sara...
???: Sara... It's time to play...
Sara: Are you sure you want to do this?
Joshua: Why not? Do I need to be scared?
Sara: Maybe...
Joshua: Mmm... Let me put my Queen here...
Sara: Mmm... What shall I do now, Queen?
Joshua: "..."
Sara: Okay, let me put the Rook here...
Joshua: I think I will put this one...
Sara: "..."
Bobbie Sue: "Whee!! I get to be with Darragh! Oh! I'm so excited! I'm so nervous! What do I wear? Does he like my hair up or down? Oh, he's soooo cute! I can't wait!!" Jumps up and down! Let me ask the Magic Mirror for a makeover...!
Bobbie-Sue: Mmmm... This is not me... Can I have something else?
Bobbie-Sue: Can you do my hair in a different style!
Bobbie-Sue: Mmmm... My hair is still the same! And this dress... Ugh!
Bobbie-Sue: Wow...! Finally something I like! And my hair is different too...
Bobbie-Sue: Ooooh... And there he is... So charming and handsome...!
Darragh: You're looking gorgeous! Princess...
Bobbie-Sue: And you are looking handsome, my Prince...
Darragh: So will we go to the dance...?
Bobbie-Sue: Sure...
Darragh: But first...
Bobbie-Sue: "..."
Daters back at the AYTO House:

Daniela: "Okay, it may sound really weird, but by now I really hope that Randolph is my perfect match, you know."
Yannik The Producer: "Actually I don't wanna know that, but I know you gonna tell me anyway, so.....just go ahead and end the pain quick....."
Daniela: "Gosh, you should have taken a coffee earlier today..."
Yannik The Producer: "Oh, go away with that disgusting as f**k liquid, I'd rather eat a Spider!"
Daniela: "...Anyway. It's really weird that I actually like him. He isn't even my type at all. I mean I love me a guy with darker skin, but Randolph is kind of a slob and I still can't handle the fact that he is eating ice cream for breakfast, like who else but Lindsiet does it anyway? But honestly...I think I've learned that these two things make him kinda charming. And besides, I've spent most of my time here with him since that weird love potion situation, and he is actually really funny and sweet. I just hope that I can finally win one of those challenges for once."
Caleb: Can I have a word with you?
Emily-Ann: Sure... Do you want to talk here or more private?
Caleb looking around: Nobody is here, so it will be okay... It's about your sister...
Emily-Ann: My sister... How do you know about her?
Caleb: I went to the shack two days ago... Why didn't you tell me you have a sister and she's an alien?
Emily-Ann: You know she's an alien?
Caleb: Yeah, I saw her in her alien form... Are you an alien too?
Emily-Ann: No... But who else knows about this? Were there any other people with you at the shack when you saw her?
Caleb: It was just me, and I didn't tell anyone. I first want to talk to you about this...
Emily-Ann: Can you please keep it a secret? I don't think everybody has to know about this...
Caleb: Sure...
Later that night...
Rose-Ann: So your lover ran to you and spill the beans...?
Emily-Ann: I told you this wouldn't work... You should've stayed home and let me handle this...
Rose-Ann: But would you...? You went on this date and forget all about me...
Emily-Ann: It was just for two days...
Rose-Ann: It doesn't matter, you did forget about me in this lousy shack! Look at this place! I'm tired of this filthy place. You're staying in that nice house over there! You don't care about me! We need to go and talk to John now!
Emily-Ann: Let's give it another day or two...
Emily-Ann: Okay... Let me go check if he is still awake!
John is typing on his Pentium. He hears a knock on the door.
Emily-Ann: John can I please come in? I need to talk to you...
John: Yes!
John: What do you want? Make it quick, I'm busy!
Emily-Ann: Uhmm... Can we have a talk?
John: Go ahead...
Emily-Ann: Can you please come here?
John: Who is she? *pointing to Rose-Ann who just appeared in the room* And where did she come from?
John: So what do you two want from me?
Rose-Ann: The truth... We want the truth from you. Why did you leave our mom all alone and pregnant?
John: I don't understand... Who is your mom? And who are you to accuse me of such a horrible deed?
Rose-Ann: We are your daughters. You left our mom pregnant 20 odd years ago... And we want you to take responsibility for your irresponsible actions!
John: I don't understand... Who is your mom?
Rose-Ann: Ann Malooly... Do you remember her?
John: No... I don't know anyone with that name? When exactly did this happened?
Rose-Ann: How must I know? That was a thing between you and our mom! Sometime in the years 1990's I guess...
John: If you don't give me the exact dates then I can't help you... You are two beautiful girls and I will be happy if I am your father, but I really don't know a woman with that name. And I also don't do affairs, never has and never will...
Emily-Ann: Let me phone mom... Maybe she can help us here...
Emily-Ann: Hi mom... I have a question...
Emily-Ann: Apparently John isn't our father... We had it all wrong...!
Rose-Ann: OMG! Mom lied to us all these years?
Emily-Ann: Yeah, I guess...
Rose-Ann: How could she do that to us? How?
Emily-Ann: I guess she was ashamed...
Rose-Ann: But why? I need to go...
Emily-Ann: Rose-Ann...
But she disappeared the same way she appeared earlier...
Emily-Ann: Rose-Ann! Don't do something stupid!
John: "..."
Emily-Ann enters the room that she shared with Sara...
Sara: "Hmmphhh... is da you?..."
Emily-Ann: "Hm?"
Sara: "Queen?... is da..."
Emily-Ann: "... Right."
Early the next morning...
Sara: What the...
Sara: OMG! No! Not in the fireplace!
Mariëtte: What's wrong Sara? It looks like if you just saw a ghost?
Sara: It was you! Admit it!
Mariëtte: "..."
Sara: You have taken my chessboard and burned it in the fireplace! How could you do such an evil deed? You Monster!
Mariëtte: I didn't do such a thing! Why would I?
Sara: You are jealous of me from kindergarten! Admit that you stole my chessboard and burned it!
Mariëtte: But I...
Sara couldn't take it any longer and a fight starts between them...
After awhile Randolph and Joshua got the two apart and calmed them down...
Randolph: Come I'm sure the two of you can talk it out like grownups...?
Mariëtte: You do believe me that I have nothing to do with Sara's chessboard? Do you?

Lindsay: Yeah, why would you? I'm just wondering who did this to her and why? I didn't know that Sara has enemies?
Mariëtte: I didn't know also and I agree that it is a mystery... I don't think she can hurt a fly... Who would do such a thing to her?
Lindsay: Aww... I'm sure they will find the culprit.
Russell: Feather! Feather! I’ve written a new verse!
Russell rushes in. His face is like an excited puppy.
Russell: Do you have your guitar?
Feather: Oh, yeah, right here. You said you were going to give me lessons.
Russell: Later, later. I need to hear how this sounds.
Feather: Alright, then, Russell. Take it away.
Russell begins to strum again, just as he had yesterday.
My lady is good
She’s kind-hearted and true
When she looks at me sweetly
Grey skies turn to blue
Like feathers of white doves
My Lady is pure
Oh Lady Fair Hair
You’re my solitude’s cure
Feather: It’s great, Russell.
Russell: I’m glad you like it.
Feather: ...
Russell: Hey, what’s up?
Feather: Russell, I need to ask you something. It’s been bothering me for a while.
Russell: Yes?
Feather: A while ago I heard you speaking with someone on the phone, or trying to...
Russell: Naomi.
Feather: Yes, Naomi.
Russell: ...
Feather: After you hung up the phone you left the room in a real huff. I decided to redial.
Russell looks at her, wide-eyed.
Russell: You had no right.
Feather: Please let me—
Russell stands.
Russell: You knew that was a private matter. YOU KNEW!
Feather: Well you looked upset so...
Russell begins to pace. Back and forth.
Russell: What possessed you? You betrayed my trust.
Feather: No! I didn’t!
Russell: You did!
Feather: I was trying to understand.
Russell: No!
Feather: Yes! Who is she to you, anyway? An ex-lover is my guess.
Russell: It’s not your business!
Feather: She sounded angry on the phone.
Russell stops pacing.
Russell: She spoke with you?
Feather: Yes, briefly.
Russell: Well how is she? Did she sound well?
Feather: I don’t know. You’ll see for yourself. I invited her over.
Russell sits down.
Russell: You.... you...
Feather: You need to get over her. And if this is the only way that gives you closure, then so be it.
Russell: When?
Feather: Tomorrow. Twelve o’ clock. That’s what we arranged.
Russell: I can’t believe it. I’m going to see her again.
Feather recoils.
Feather: Well, don’t get too excited.
Russell takes her hand.
Russell: Thank you, Feather. Thank you.
Feather: Wha-what about my lesson?
Russell: Oh yes. Yes, right. Err, how did that new verse go again?
???: Sara...
???: Sara...
Sara: Queen...! Why are you here? Do I need to play another game?
Queen: No... I heard you crying earlier...
Sara: Yeah, someone took my chessboard and burned it in the fireplace...
Queen: Do you know who did it?
Sara: I'm not sure... I think it's Mariëtte.
Queen: Mmmm... Are you okay now?
Sara: I suppose... You are here.. How? Didn't you burn with the others?
Queen: Yeah, I did, but I will always be there for you. I'm in your heart for when you need me. Always remember that...

Matching Ceremony:
Beatrix-Maye: Are you ready to see who you want in the truth booth?
Everybody: Yes!
John: Okay with one vote difference you decided that you want to know if...
Ana and Mikale is a match...! Let's see...!
Everybody: Woot! And they are!
Beatrix-Maye: And with them you got 3 confirmed matches! Great job, guys and girls!
John: So lets see how many matches you can make...
Beatrix-Maye: It is the guys turn to choose... Who will be first?
Caleb: I choose Mariëtte!
Ed: I choose Sara...
Darnell: I choose Lindsay...
Joshua: I choose Andi...
Beatrix-Maye: And that leave us with Darragh and Bobbie-Sue and
John: Mr. Ron and Camilla...
Beatrix-Maye: Let's see how many matches you got right!
John: Good luck guys and girls...!
Alyssa and Alec...
Brad and Fungi...
Ana and Mikale...
Lets see if there are more...
Four... Woot!
Five... Awesome!
Six... Brilliant!
Seven... Terrific!
Eight... Magnificent...!
Nine... How incredible is that!
John: And that is it! Nine matches! Woot!
Beatrix-Maye: Guys and girls, I'm very proud of you! This is really awesome verby!
John: So what can I say? Will you be able to match every single one next week?
Everyone: Yes!
Beatrix-Maye: Awesome! Let's do it then! Remember you will get a bonus if you can do it before the ten weeks are over! And with that it's all for tonight! Good Night!
Stay tuned until the next episode!
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