Randolph, Emily-Ann, and Sara have been kidnapped and the kidnappers want one million simileons ransom money or the victims will die. They got 5 days to get the money ready.
John immediately phones the producers and they agree to give the money to the kidnappers after 5 days. But the contestants first have to try to rescue them themselves. If they don’t rescue them in time the producers will take the contestants’ winning money to pay the ransom money.
Beatrix-Maye: It’s up to you guys…! Are you going to rescue your friends from the kidnappers, or can the producers take your winning money to pay the kidnappers?
Everybody: We will find them!
Mr. Ron: We'll find you Emily-Ann!!
John: Okay, let's divided you into three teams.
Day 1:
Team Randolph.
Russell is inspired by a leaf bug and spends a few minutes imagining a song. Then he steps on it as he crosses to meet up with the team.
Russell: How do we rescue Randolph?

Leif: With a big net? :/
Ana: Be serious guys! Okay, so we wanna rescue Randolph? And not the others? And we want to rescue Randolph before the others?
Leif: Yeah, I guess that's how it works. We will probably know more about what we have to do once Randolph gives us a ring on the old Randolph-a-phone. Talking of the devil... *as Leif's phone rings and Randolph's caller ID came up*
Leif: Hey buddy! Are you okay?
Randolph: Guys! You gotta help me. I'm tied up and blindfolded in some nasty place. I've been stuck here for about a day now.
I have maybe three captors surrounding me. I know one of them is a guy. Another might be a man too because his voice is deep. One of them calls himself Mitch or something.
Anyway, they made me sit on this chair and made me eat this potato thing. I can also hear some kids passing by outside and waves. I dunno. I don't have much to go on, and I think they're coming back soon. Please please PLEASE track me down!
Also, for the low low price of 13.99, you can get this double glaz--BLEEP *And the phone went dead*
Leif: Kids outside and waves? I'm guessing it's somewhere by the sea. That's a few places we can cross of the list already.
Russell: I like potatoes.
Ana: Waves? Isla Paradiso? Sunlit tides? Sunset Valley? Literally anywhere?
Ana: So he is by the sea and one of his captors is a Mitch. Mitch Lee in Starlight Shores? I don't think it's him. That will be too easy...!
Ana: Hey wait here's a guy in Sunlit Tides that calls himself 'Mitch'.
Ana: Maru Mango is from Sunlit Tides. Let's go to Sunlit Tides, guys!
Team Emily-Ann.
Mr. Ron: Emily Ann has been taken to another town? I guess we should wait until we hear from her?
Just then Andi's phone rings and Emily-Ann's caller ID's came up.
Andi: Here's she is...
Andi: Hi Emily-Ann... Is it you?
Emily-Ann: Yes, it's me. Listen closely.
On the way back from the shack, after the matching ceremony, I was attacked. I did not see who did it, but it had to have been after midnight.
I can't see anything because I'm blindfolded. My hands and feet are also tied up with rope. On top of that, my feet are tied to a bed. I can't move. I heard voices coming from my right from across the room earlier. The voices I heard sounded like men. Well, at least two of them; one had a deep voice and the other's was even deeper. There might be another person, but I couldn't tell a man or woman.
These walls seem thin, so maybe I'm in some kind of run-down house or shack. So far as I can tell, I'm in a room with a bed, a table, a chair, and at least one door and at least one window. The door is on the opposite side of the room from where the bed is because a guy had to walk across the room to get me after he unlocked the door. I was put into a chair and the ropes on my hands loosened so I could eat. I had a table in front of me with some food on a plate...something with potatoes in it. It was hard to eat without being able to see, but I managed to eat my fill. I asked how long I'd been there and he said one day. I tried to get the guy to talk more but he just yelled at me to hurry up and eat. He also said if I took the blindfold off, I'd definitely die.
After I finished eating, he tied me up again. Then he took me over to the bed and tied me up there, too. After he grabbed the plate and spoon, he opened the door. While he walked out, I heard one of the other men say "Chauncey, the big boss is looking for you." So, Chauncey might be the guy's name who brought me food. I don't know for sure, though. Someone involved is Chauncey. It's kind of an unusual name, so maybe that will help you.
After I'm back on the bed, I try to hear the men talk, but they either left or are just quiet. I think there's a window behind my head because I can hear other voices and some cars in the distance. Maybe there's some kind of road nearby.
I'll keep listening and paying attention to my surroundings. I will try to keep my phone hidden to call you later. I'm terrified, cold, and I have to pee. These guys aren't messing around. I hear them coming. I have to go. Find me!
And the phone went dead...
Andi: Okay, let's work on what she said...

Joshua: There is a Chauncey Grimm in Moonlight Falls...
Joshua: So do you think we must go there?
Mr. Ron: Well, I think we are definitely headed towards Moonlight Falls.
Team Sara.
Feather: Ooooh, I'm so worried about Sara... What if the kidnappers killed her already?
Darragh: Awww, let's not think about that and think about how we're going to rescue her.
Daniela: "But we know how it will end and that she will be safe, so tell me, why should I be worried?"
Yannik The Producer: "Because this challenge was f***ing expensive, plus we might need to cut your hair off if you break the rule >:)!"
Daniela: *gasps* "As if the production would allow such a horrible action."
Yannik: Of course they wouldn't, but I don't work for them, I work for YJB19299, so I can do whatever I want. Aww look, I even have a scissor with me." *makes snipping noises*
Daniela: "OKAY OKAY, I WILL BE WORRIED GEEZ!!! Just please, put that thing down." *holds her hair*
Yannik: "That's the Spirit." *smiles and goes away* "Man, I would rather fit into The Mole than into this dumb love show. I wouldn't even care if I was a camera man."
Darragh: I'd call the cops if she's really kidnapped. Hopefully that won't the case for now lol
Just then Daniela's phone rings and Sara's caller ID came up.
Daniela: Hey, Sara!
Feather: Um, Sara, is that really you? Where are you by the way?
Darragh: What can you see? Are you blindfolded? Can you move? Are you tied to anything? More importantly... can you talk? Are you alone? What can you hear? *anxiously* ANSWER US!!
Sara: Sara: "Please help me,
a couple of guys, around 3, took me,
one of them's named Aaron, and they tied me up and blindfolded me.
But I can hear other voices from outside, behind me, and lots of singing (a party?). I can also hear some cars, maybe there's a road nearby."
Darragh: That's not much information for us to search for her just yet. What can you smell, Sara?
But the phone is dead...
Daniela: "Hhhm, she hears people around her, there is a lot of singing and there might be a road since you can hear cars...Sound for me like Rock Am Ring in my homeland Germany, but I'm pretty sure this isn't the place we need."
Feather: "Perhaps she's in a bar or something."
Daniela: "Hold on Feather, maybe you aren't that far of. What kind of place is kinda crowded, full of singing and there is a road nearby? A Karaoke-Bar! This could easily be a possibility."
Darragh: Yeah it’s likely a karaoke bar.
Day 2:
Team Randolph, Sunlit Tides - Mid day.
Ana: I've checked a map of Sunlit Tides. Where will we go first?
Leif: Yeah, there are a few places that we can check out. Let's check the clues again.
Ana: Yeah, he talked about the sound of crashing waves. Was that just a general clue to the specific street? Closer by the shore?
Russell: Maybe we need more clues...
Ana: And the sound of kids playing, is he by a park? How close to a park? Neighboring, in the general little area?
Team Emily-Ann - Moonlight Falls - Mid day.
Mr. Ron: Chauncey's house isn't really run down and the bedroom doesn't have a table in it. I'll look at some other houses in Moonlight Fall.
Joshua: Hmmm...
Mr. Ron: I have not found a run down house with a table and chair in the bedroom. There are some with desks, but not many. I didn't bother looking in the really fancy houses, though.
Andi: Might be a basement or garage or something of a fancy house?
Team Sara - AYTO house - Mid day.
Feather: Did we get another phone call from Sara?
Daniela: Nope, not yet...
Feather: So how must we find her if she doesn't call us?
Team Randolph - Sunlit Tides - 8.30 pm
Leif: Yes! Another call from Randolph.
Leif: Hey dude, are you still hanging in there?
Randolph: Guys. I've been in this poophole for what feels like two days.
This woman woke me up this time. Said her name was Kaila. She took me to this dark, windowless room when I had to go to the bathroom. There was this cold and hard thing pressing against my leg. Dunno if it was a toilet or not. Blech
They fed me mac n cheese this time. I'm in this room this time with a small window. Just a faint light. I can still barely see when I lifted my blindfold. The only things I can remember hearing are some aircraft and a stray dog barking. Maybe we're near a military base? And ocean waves, so maybe we're near the shore
Please get me out of here. I'm starving and I need a freaking drink!
And then the phone went dead.
Ana: At least we know we're at the right place... Kaila Swift is also in Sunlit Tides. Dark, windowless room. Scary! I hope it was a toilet, a clean one. Air craft, stray dog barking. Military base. Near the water but like all of Sunlit Tides is, bahahaha. Also possibly still near a park. We're definitely at the right place.
Team Emily-Ann - Moonlight Falls - 8.30 pm
Andi: It's Emily-Ann!
Andi: Hi Emily-Ann...
Emily-Ann: Someone came again. A woman. I was able to pee in a bathroom, I assume. It had a door and she loosened the ropes. She waited outside. I took off my blindfold to use the toilet. There was no windows or lights in the bathroom. A fat lot of good that did me. I was able to grope around and find a way to rinse my hands off when I finished.
She told me to put my blindfold back on, but how she knew, I don't know. She had soft hands. Unsure if that means anything, but it's better than that man. Gave me some hope.
I ate mac & cheese, which was delicious!(oops, this is not m&c, hehe) I asked if she had made it, which she confirmed. Then I asked her name. She said Marigold, saying it wouldn't hurt to tell me. Boy, she'll probably be wrong about that.
The door opened and I hear the man from yesterday, who I assume is Chauncey. He yelled at her for taking so long. Marigold said I'd finished and she would take me to the bed. She pulled me up, but he yelled that he'd take care of me while she washed the plate and silverware. They needed to go, he said. She obeyed, I assume, since I didn't hear any more yelling from him.
He tightened my ropes back up and tied me back to the bed. I asked why were they keeping me there, but all he said was "bosses orders". I'd like to get my hands around the neck of the boss and squeeze tight.
They walked out the door and locked it. I heard them talk a little but eventually silence reigned again. The ropes cut into my skin as I tried to wiggle around. Finally, I got into a fetus position to work on my blindfold. After some time, I was able to get the blindfold off. I felt a little better. Like I could breath easier.
There is no light in the room except a faint light coming from the small window. The light could be coming from a nearby street light, I suppose. I can't hear anything else, not even that much traffic. This time of day must be quiet around here.
That's it for now. Having the blindfold off gives me some control at least. Hopefully, I'll get more info to pass on. Please, please help me get out of here!
And then the phone went.... (I know you know, lol)
Mr. Ron: OK. I'm probably overthinking or overlooking. Over something, lol. Would a vampire be able to see in the dark? Marigold is a fairy. My guess would either be that 212 Valley Drive or one of the houses on Lupine Lane. It seems to be out in the boondocks a bit.
Team Sara - AYTO house - 8.30 pm
Daniela's phone rings...
Daniela: Hey Sara, are you still kidnapped?
Sara: "Okay - there's a also boss and a woman named Siobahn involved. I was allowed to pee.
I've been fed a potato dish yesterday and mac & cheese today, the latter cooked by Siobahn. My captors have left now, so I've wriggled off my blindfold a bit, though my ropes are still tight. It's night, I can see some slight street light from a small window. The traffic's busy and there's still music and singing around here. Maybe you could Google the names."
And... (I know, I know...)
Daniela: "How do dishes tell us where somebody is captured? So lets gather the facts. We see street lights and a small window, so it is definitely a Building. And there is still Music an singing. Hold on, could it be that Sara is in an american diner? In most of them are either Jukeboxes or Karaoke-machines. And we know Siobahn is a cook, so it could potentially be her workplace."
Team Randolph - Sunlit Tides - Morning.
Ana: Mmm... We can go to 8 Castaway Cove or 3 Mango way. Castaway cove is just across from a park...
Leif: It definitely sounds like somewhere in Sunlit Tides, The military base, the waves, the two names all add up.
Russell: Sure go for it. Check around for bedrooms near the military base.
(Emily did this)
Ana: Just check this map before we go... That's to show the distance between the park and the Heavenly Home and military base. Unless he's in Maru's very home, in which case here it is. Harmony Home, 1 Mango Way
Leif: By process of elimination, I'd go with 8 Castaway Cove, It seems to resemble the description the best.
Half an hour later they arrived at 8 Castaway Cove
They walked around the house but find nothing... The house is empty.
Team Emily-Ann - Moonlight Falls - Morning
Joshua: So where shall we go?
Mr. Ron: 37 S Falls Way is also isolated. 204 Lakeside Drive is also an option.
Andi: Let's go to 204 Lakeside Drive first... Maybe she is there...
204 Lakeside Drive
They walk around the house and peek inside the house. This house is empty. Doesn't look like if there was anyone here for a long time.
Team Sara - AYTO house - Morning
Beatrix-Maye: Mmmm... Looks like Sara is going to die...
Darragh: I'm confused.
Beatrix-Maye: You don't make an effort to rescue her... Try to find out where she is... Google the names...
Feather: Google?
Beatrix-Maye: Yeah, your cell phone got Internet...
Feather: I don't understand? What is 'Internet'?
Darragh: It's okay... I will get it...
Darragh: Okay I've got two names from sims wikia: Siobahn Murphy (I keep searching for Siobhan and got no results because that's how we spell it here in Ireland >.<) and an Aaron Finnigan residing in Dragon Valley.
Beatrix-Maye: See... Was that so difficult?
Feather: But... I still don't understand...
Team Randolph - Sunlit Tides - 8.30 pm
Randolph is calling again...
Randolph: Where the hell are you guys??? I've been in this hole for so long. I was able to see a few things though.
There's definitely a military base in the distance, along with some tropical trees and the ocean. I also don't know how this could help, but I'm in a room with a brass bed that has gray sheets. I saw a small table with a lamp. There's a small window to my left with bars. And a table and a chair. There are two doors but one is locked. The other leads to the bathroom, but it only has a sink and a toilet. I hope one of you can see through walls because that's all I got
This Mitch or Maru guy looks like some sort of Viking with a braid and a beard. And he's kind of a butt.
Please send help!
Leif: If I was going to make an educated guess I would say he's in the hot house, but I could be wrong.
(Again Emily did this)
Ana: I've got another map.
Blue= Kaila's house and military base
Pink = Empty homes (Hot House and Heavenly Home)
Green = Maru's home
Team Emily-Ann - Moonlight Falls - 8.30 pm
Another call from the kidnappee...Emily-Ann: Ok, team. I was untied for a bit, courtesy, I think, of Marigold. She seems to dislike this whole thing.
My bed is against a wall. I don't know if it matters or not, but it's a brass bed with grey bedding. To the right of me is a small table with a lamp. To the left is a window with bars on it, like I'm in the hood or jail or something. There are two doors in the room; one was locked and one was to the restroom.
After using the facilities, which did not consist of a shower, and eating, I looked out the window. I could see a road to my left and water further away, maybe a lake or the ocean. I can't tell. There are lots of trees in front of me, and further away is an open field and a cemetery.
Chauncey barged in as I reached for my phone to call you. He was very, very unhappy I was untied and could see him. Basically, they want to kill me now.
He's a slender guy with short dark hair and a beard. Marigold is a fairy with blonde hair.
Now, though, I'm tied up again and it's dark out, too. At least I looked out the window and saw them, but my time is limited now. Now, please come find me!
Mr. Ron: Dear Emily Ann,
It doesn't matter what the room looks like because the kidnappers have redecorated. However, we might get to use that bit about being near a lake or ocean. My second cousin, once removed, on my mother's side rented a home in Moonlight Falls not too far from the beach. His name is Rico Suave and he would be a welder, if that were possible. In the interim he works as a politician, which is difficult since he's a loner. But being a loner is what made this property good for him! That address is 37 S Falls Way.
I think we should check it out.
Team Sara - Dragon Valley - 7 pm
Darragh: I'm glad we finally figured it out...
Daniela: But I told you from day one we must Google...
Feather: Can someone please tell me who or what is 'Google'?!
But just then Daniela's phone rings... Time to get another clue...
Daniela: Hey, Sara... We will find you...
Sara: "I just managed to peek at my room in broad daylight. Brass bed, grey bedding, small window with bars to my left.
Looking out of it I first see a road and then a river, with an open field with trees and a hill on the other shore. I believe there's a bar or tavern next door, there's people coming and going from it.
Aaron is red-haired and bearded, slender, green skin and pointy eared. Siobahn is blonde and green eyes, thin as well "
And the phone went dead...
Daniela: "Oi, its obvious that we are at Dragon Valley." *thinks closely* "WAIT, as far as I know there is a house Next to the McCafferty's Pub. Maybe its where this Siobahn lives?"
Feather: Maybe we can go there.
Daniela: Shortly put, I highly believe that Sara is captured in the House of Siobahn Murphy :D

Darragh: I think she's captured inside the World's Theater, 13 Clover Drive in Dragon Valley. It could be a really loud place with people singing (makes Sara think that people were partying). There's also a road nearby. Sara also said that she could see some streetlights through the small windows. I think that's likely the place.
Day 4:
Team Randolph - Sunlit Tides - Morning
They just want to stop in front of 3 Mango Way when they see two people enter the house.Ana: Oh no... What shall we do?
Leif: We will pick up Leif by his feet and use him as a bat to subdue the would-be kidnappers! >:) :D
Actually, I think we should be stealthy here and wait for nightfall, Then we can break in and rescue Randolph under the cover of darkness... Hopefully, the kidnappers will be asleep by then. ;)
They decided to come back later and drove away...
Team Emily-Ann - Moonlight Falls - Morning
They just want to stop in front of 37 S Falls way, when they saw two people enter the house.
Andi: Oh no... What shall we do?
Mr. Ron: I'm creeping in the bedroom window. I think Joshua should knock on the front door to get the attention of the two people in the house. He can pretend to be a vacuum salesman or something. This way they are distracted when I creep in the window.
Joshua: I think it's too risky. They will see you sneaking around the house.
Mr. Ron: :hunf: We wait until dark...We're watching the house.
Andi: Or maybe we can come back later?
So they dove back to town...
They drove back to the house and is just in time to see the two people left the house...
When they are sure the people are gone they search the house for open windows or doors.
They found a window similar to Randolph's description on the side of the house.
Ana: Dang, it's too high for us to reach...
Russell: Do we have a wrecking ball at our disposal?
Ana: Wrecking ball?
Russell: Or a car. Throw stones at the window maybe Randolph will push the bed and have a look. If he’s there then we can pull the bars out by attaching a cable to the back of a car and accelerating. And then we could have him climb through.
Leif: I don't think we got a cable in the car. And that window seems small, only a cat will get through there.
Ana: Since I'm small, I can climb on one of your shoulders or maybe we can use the trash can to get up and look through the window if Randolph is there.
Leif: Wait, I saw a trash can in front of the house. I will get it.
Leif: I can see...
Ana: You sawwwwww...
Leif: Mmmm...
Leif: I can see that Randolph is fast asleep on the bed. But he is also tied up to the bed.
Ana: OMG!!
Leif: What will we do know?
Russell: Maybe we can ask him to chop himself up into tiny bits and spoon himself through the window.
Ana: Haha... Funny...!
Russell: What if we had a small kitten, left it in front of the door, rang the doorbell and then the kidnappers opened it for a kitten surprise, and while they’re cuddling it they notice another kitten at the garden gate. And when they go to pick that up they notice another kitten down the street. So they go off and follow this trail of kittens and then we walk in through the front door, yoink Randolph (He might have to lose the hand) and then we leave.
Leif: Okay let's get serious and look for something to open the door with.
They walked around the house and check under the trees and bushes, rummage through the trash can and finally they find a crowbar.
Russell opens the back door with the crowbar.
And the door that led to Randolph's room.
They find him just waking up from all the noise...
Randolph: What took you guys so long? I'm almost dead in here...! *surprised and happy*
Russell: The kidnappers doesn't like kittens...
Randolph: "..."
Leif: Hehe, Sorry, that we took so long... *quickly untie the ropes*
And they go back to the Airport and fly back to Starlight Shores...
Team Emily-Ann - Moonlight Falls - 8.30 pm
They drove back to the house and is just in time to see the two people left the house...
Andi: I thought they will never leave...
Mr. Ron: I can't understand why we couldn't just phone the cops...
Joshua: Because it wouldn't be a challenge if we just did that...
Andi: Ooooh, Okay... So let's check the windows and doors... We need to get Emily-Ann quick.
Mr. Ron: Okay, I will check the front door...
Joshua: Let's start checking the windows this side then...
They found the window that fit the description of Emily-Ann.
Andi: Dang, it's too high for us to reach...
Mr. Ron: *starts yelling* "Emily Ann! Are you in there? Let us know somehow if you are?" and wait to see if they hear anything. A muffled sound, or maybe she can knock over a lamp or alarm clock on the ground if she's tied to the bed.
Joshua: Maybe we can reach the window if we get on the trash can. I saw one here in the front....
But then: "HELP! It's me! Emily-Ann! Is that my team?! Help!" *coming from the window*
Mr. Ron: We're coming Emily Ann! Hold on!!! *excited*
Emily-Ann: "Find the flying Weasley car, hook up a chain, and pull the bars out!"
Joshua: Hehe... Nice try... I don't even think we got a chain in the car. Never mind hooked it on the bars and pulled it out...
Emily-Ann: "Where is Crookshanks when we need him?"
Andi: Do you have more brilliant ideas?
Mr. Ron: Are all the windows too small to gain entry? Can we break open the front door. Joshua and I are both strong guys, and Andi is no slouch herself. I think we could knock it open.
Emily-Ann: "I doubt breaking the window will help. I still can't move, even if you did. Try looking under the mat by the front door, if there is one, or looking around the porch. Maybe there's something there you could use."
Joshua: Yeah, maybe we need to look around the house. Maybe we can find something...
Emily-Ann: "Or break it open. Whatever you need to do!"
They walked around the house and check under the trees and bushes, rummage through the trash can and finally they find a crowbar.
Andi: Are you sure you doesn't want help?
Mr. Ron: I can do this...
After bashing down another locked door with the crowbar they finally find Emily-Ann and untie the ropes...
Emily-Ann: I thought I'm locked up here forever!
And they drove back to the Airport and fly back to Starlight Shores...
Day 5:
Back at the AYTO house - Team Randolph - Mid Day.
Russell, Randolph, Ana, and Leif arrived back home...
Camilla, Mikale, and Fungi were very excited and glad to see their friends alive again...
Russell: Where's Feather?
John: She's still with the Sara Team guys...
Team Emily-Ann - Mid Afternoon.
Emily-Ann, Mr. Ron, Andi, and Joshua arrived home...
Bobbie-Sue, Ed, and Randolph were excited to see their friends again.
Emily-Ann: Mikale? Aren't you happy to see me?
Caleb: I am...!
Team Sara - 8 pm.
Finally the last team also arrive safe and sound...
Randolph, Lindsay, Russell and Bobbie-Sue welcomed the late comers back...
Lindsay: You must tell me all about it? Were the kidnappers really vicious? I heard they want to kill you and eat you for breakfast...?
Then they gathered together to find out who the winners are...
Beatrix-Maye: Congratulations teams... You did well. You managed to rescue your team mates on day 4. One day before the final day.
Mr. Ron: So what happened with the kidnappers? Did the police get them? Are they in jail?
John: Hehe... Sorry guys, this wasn't the real deal. Everything was staged. This was just a 'mission', like your previous missions.
Sara: What? Do you mean I gone through all that hell for nothing?
Beatrix-Maye: It was fun, wasn't it?
Randolph: Uhmmm... Can I go for a shower now?
John: Don't you first want to hear if you are a winner?
Randolph: I guess...
Beatrix-Maye: Guys and girls, I must say you are all winners. You guys did very well figuring out all the clues, with help for some, but never the less, you did great and it really was very difficult to decided who the real winners are.
John: With a lot of thinking and checking and re-thinking and re-checking, we decided the winners are...
Beatrix-Maye: Team Randolph! They really worked well together. Listen to all the clues they've got and work from there. I really love the detail they've put in. The map, all the different houses, everything.
John: So there you have it! Congratulations Team Randolph! And Randolph? You may go shower now before the people around you fainted from your smelly odor...
Beatrix-Maye: And that is all for tonight... Good Night!
Stay tuned until the next episode!
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