Ana: Wow! It looks like a real train!
Mikale: And there is a Roller Coaster too...
Emily-Ann: Yep, I can't wait to ride the roller coaster! I never had before!
Fungi: Can we go first? Please, please?
And before anyone else can complain Brad and Fungi take the first ride...
Fungi: Wow!
Darragh and Emily-Ann go second...
Emily-Ann: Woot!
Andi and Joshua third...
Andi: Awesome!
Darragh: That was fun!
Brad: It was, but now I'm thirsty...
Mikale: Yes! Let's go see if there's something to drink inside here...
Darragh and Emily-Ann order the drinks for them at the bar...
Brad: Woot... This looks delish...
Barman: Shout if you guys want something else...
Ana: Mmmm... This tasted divine...
Mikale: It does...
Emily-Ann: Ooooh... This is so cool!
Brad: Yep... This is fun...
Darragh: I wonder if I can take this machine back home with me...
Fungi: Haha... I don't think they will let you...
Emily-Ann: Maybe we can ask the producers to get us a thing like this...
Fungi: It will be awesome if they do but I don't think they will...
Brad: Oh well let's enjoy it while we can...
Darragh: Wooo... It feels if I'm going to fly...
And the others decided they are hungry...
Andi: How long do we have to wait for our food...
Joshua: Mmmm... We didn't order yet...
Andi: Ouch... But where is the waiter then?
Ana: We can always enjoy the music while we wait...
Mikale: Yeah...
*after another ten minutes of waiting*
Joshua: Awww... I can't sit here and wait... Let's go find out where they are...
They end up somewhere all alone...
Joshua: Andi...
Andi: Yeah... *taking his hands*
Joshua: Will you give us a chance?
Andi: Mmmm...

Joshua: Really? You mean you will...
Andi: Yeah... I will give us a chance...
Joshua: Awesome! Can we take a selfie?
Andi: Sure...
Darragh and Emily-Ann went back to the bar.
Darragh: Do you think we are a match?
Emily-Ann: Maybe...
Darragh: What?
Emily-Ann: I'm not sure...
Darragh: Why not? I can see us together...
Emily-Ann: "..."
Darragh: Yeah... We are a match made in heaven... Can't you see that?
Emily-Ann: Uhm... No...
Darragh: What? Why not?
Emily-Ann: I'm sorry... You're a great guy but...
Fungi: I can feel we're going to the Truth Booth...

Brad: Mmmm...
Fungi: Yeah, I had a dream last night...

Brad: Tell me about it...
Fungi: We're standing in the Truth Booth and everybody was cheering us...

Brad: So do you think they will all vote for us?
Fungi: Definitely...
Brad: Awesome!
Mikale: Let me show you...
Ana: This is so cool... I can stand here forever...
Mikale: Can you feel it?
Ana: What...
Mikale: We're meant for each other... It's been written in the stars...
Or play a game of Foose Ball...
But they're having fun...
(I've downloaded this from somewhere but don't ask me where... Oops...)
Back home...
Camilla: As much as I don't like Mikale, I have to admit that he and Ana look good together. I'm pretty sure they're a match. And I'm almost as sure it was Mikale who hacked into John's computer. If it makes both of them happy, I'm all for it. It helps that we're all working towards the cash prize by getting the right matches, of course.
Caleb: I wish I was the one that went on a date with Emily-Ann... Damn Darragh...
Darnell: Do you really think she is your match?
Caleb: I really hope so...
Ed: Mmmm... There's something strange about that girl...
Joshua: Why do you say that?
Ed: You remember yesterday when we're talking to her on the edge of the lot and after a while I went back inside the house, leaving you guys there with her?
Joshua: Yeah... We were talking to her for another half an hour after that.
Ed: The strange part is that when I entered the house I saw her talking to Darnell, Darragh, and Bobbie-Sue and she got other clothes on. Basically the exact same time. You guys were talking to her here and...
Caleb: Sjjj... Here she comes...
Darnell: Let's follow her...
Caleb: I don't know...
Darnell: Like Ed said, there is something fishy going on with her... Why is she going to the woods every day? And did you guys notice that's she's not always the same... When she's wearing that skimpy clothing of her, she's more daring... Outspoken... Swears a lot... It's almost if she's someone else... And she never remembers our names or stuff we did previously... I'm telling you guys there is something wrong with that girl...
Ed: Mmmm... You're right... Let's see where she's going...
Ed: Hey, Emily-Ann!
Emily-Ann: "..."
Joshua: Can we talk to you?
Emily-Ann: Oh it's you guys... What do you want?
Caleb: We want to make sure you're alright...
Emily-Ann: Why won't I be?
Darnell: What are you doing at this place?
Emily-Ann: I told you before... I'm staying here! So go back to your fancy house and leave me alone!
Joshua: Mmmm... I can understand you need some alone time but...
Emily-Ann: What?
Darnell: It can be dangerous out here all alone by yourself...
Emily-Ann: I'm not alone, I'm with my sis...
Ed: Yeah, who are staying with you?
Emily-Ann: Uhm... Nobody... I'm all alone...
Joshua: Can we come in? Don't you want to show us the place...
Emily-Ann: Why?
Caleb: We want to make sure the place is safe...
Emily-Ann: The place is safe...! So you guys can leave! Now!
She turns around and goes into the cabin. The guys decided to follow her... They must make sure the place is safe like she said.
Ed: Gross! This place smells! How can you live here...?
Joshua: And everything is filthy! Eeeewe!
Emily-Ann: What the hell are you guys doing here? Didn't I tell you to get the fuck out of here!
Darnell: Why are you staying in a place like this if there's the AYTO house?
Emily-Ann: Uhm... It's like you guys said, I need alone time... The house is a bit crowded with so many people...
Joshua: But you got a room or the garden to go to...

Emily-Ann: Actually I would like to, but my sis... I mean I like it here... You guys need to go now...!
Darnell: Guys let's go... I don't think we can talk sense into this girl...
Caleb: But... Emily-Ann please come back with us to the house...
Emily-Ann: Get the fuck out of here and leave me alone! Now!
(ADRE from Rosey)
Russell sits silently in the garden, looking at the flowers, thinking of pleasantness.
In answer, Feather happens to pass him. She does not notice him. Her full attention is on the guitar she is inexpertly strumming.
Flink flonk. The stings whine. Plink plank plunk. Oh dear.
Feather sighs loudly in frustration. She happens to turn and sees Russell.
Russell: Hello Feather.
Feather: Heey Russell.
She sits next to him.
Feather: I’m not very good am I?
Russell: At the guitar?
Feather: Yeah.
Russell: Urm... well, you’re...
Minutes pass in peace and quiet, then Russell’s hands make a decision, and move. He gently takes the guitar from Feather.
Feather looks at him, and he looks down at the strings, remembering.
His fingers dance, and a cheerful tune colors the air. He looks up at the flowers, and then to Feather, still playing from memory.
Russell: I haven’t for a long time. I used to love making music.
Feather: Did you write that song?
Russell: A long time ago.
Feather: Wow. It’s fantastic!
Russell: ...
The melody curls around the trees. The grass dances so it sways in the wind.
Russell: Yes.
Feather breathes.
Feather: Can I hear them?
Russell nods. He stops the music and begins again. The wind holds its breath.
With eyes like the sunshine
And laughter like rain
Her cheeks are pink roses
Her voice is champagne
She takes all my worries
Til just joy remains
Oh when shall I see
Lady Fair Hair again?
When I first met my lady
‘Tween the flowers
By the lake
One glance from those eyes
And my heart flew awake
In our first conversation
By the river
Near the stream
One word from those lips
And I started to dream
With eyes like the sunshine
And laughter like rain
Her cheeks are pink roses
Her voice is champagne
She takes all my worries
Til just joy remains
Oh when shall I see
Lady Fair Hair again?
I laugh when she laughs
And I come
When she calls
A touch from that hand
And my spirit’s enthralled
I’ll love you, my lady
Til the end
of my years
Oh say you’ll be mine
My sweet Lady Fair Hair
Russell: It’s a story. A silly love story.
Feather: I like it.
Russell: I like it, too.
They look at each other now.
Feather: I’d like to learn to play it.
Feather speaks softly, uncertain.
Russell: I can teach you if you’d like that.
There is a pause. Russell speaks again.
Russell: I know... I would like that.
Feather nods, quietly.
Russell: Tomorrow? Same time, same place?
Feather nods again. Russell smiles. He places the guitar carefully back into Feather’s hands. Joy shimmers sensationally through him.
Russell: Take care, Fair Hair.
Feather laughs. Russell strolls away as the sky begins to fade.
Danielle: Do you think Randolph likes me?
Camilla: Mmmm... Do you like him?
Daniela: I... think so...
Camilla: Great... Then go for him!
Daniela: But what if...
Camilla: But what if he likes you too, and also don't know how to say it...?
Daniela: So do you think...
Camilla: Yes! Go to him and tell him how you feel... You got nothing to lose...
Daniela: You're right!
Mr. Ron: Why doesn't the girls like me? I thought now that I'm human...
Brad: Who told you that shit?
Mr. Ron: But...
Brad: Tell me who do you like?
Mr. Ron: Mmmm... Camilla, Sara, Andi...
Brad: Be serious... I'm sure there must be one special one...
Mr. Ron: I don't know if she likes me too...
Darnell: Can I make you a drink, Bobbie-Sue?
Bobbie-Sue: Why did he choose her...?
Darnell: "..."
Bobbie-Sue: Why didn't he chose me...?
Darnell: Who are you talking about?
Bobbie-Sue: Him...
Bobbie-Sue: He is so sexy and so charming... Don't you think? *dreamy*
Mr. Ron: "..."
Darnell: Your friend here got the hots for that guy over there...
Mr. Ron: So why aren't you going over and talk to him?
Bobbie-Sue: What? Oh... Do you think I can do that?
Mr. Ron: Why not? You got nothing to lose...
Bobbie-Sue: You're right! Hehe... Wish me luck!
Mr. Ron: Good luck!
Bobbie-Sue: So did you have a nice time on the date?
Darragh: Yeah...
Bobbie-Sue: Tell me about it...
Darragh: We ride the roller coaster, and have drinks at the bar...
Bobbie-Sue: Did you kiss her... *blushing* I mean... Did you dance?
Darragh: Yeah, we dance...
Lindsay: I wish I could go on a date... Did you guys have a nice time?
Andi: Yeah we did...
Lindsay: Don't tell me Josh kissed you?
Andi: His name is Joshua... And no he didn't kiss me...
Lindsay: Damn dumb Josh...
Andi: Aww... He isn't dumb... Maybe shy... But...
Lindsay: You like him?
Andi: Yeah... I guess...
Fungi: So did you guys voted for us for the Truth Booth?
Leif: I know a few people did...
Fungi: Awesome! Because I know we are a perfect match...
Leif: But are you sure about him? I don't want him to break your heart again... You remember how devastated you were when he broke up with you...
Fungi: He didn't break up with me... We decided together to give each other some space... Now we know we are meant to be and we will never break up again...
Leif: Are you sure?
Fungi: Definitely!
Alyssa: How was your date with Fungi?
Brad: It was cool... And how are things between you and Alec?
Alyssa: Great! I'm so glad we are confirmed now...
Brad: Doesn't it bother you that he is a vampire?
Alyssa: Why should it be...? I like him as he is... He is charming...
Brad: Aww... Then I'm glad that the two of you find each other here...
Ana: So did you vote for me and Mikale?
Sara: Mmmm.
Ana: And the others? Did they?
Sara: I've tried to talk to them, but you know them.
Ana: It's okay... We will just have to try again...
Sara: But who knows, maybe I did convince them.
Ana: It's fine... We'll see...
Daniela: May I ask you to be my partner for this week at the matching ceremony?
Randolph: Why do you ask my permission?
Daniela: Maybe you would rather like it if someone else asks you?
Randolph: What if I like you to ask me?
Daniela: Really? I mean are you sure?
Randolph: Yeah... I will definitely like it if you ask me...
Daniela: Cool! Then I will...
Mikale: Hey gorgeous...!
Ana: Hey...
Mikale: Wanna kiss...?
Ana: Ooooh...
Mikale: Do you like it?
Ana: I love it!
Mikale: Promise me that you will love me forever?
Ana: I promise...
Darragh: Can I ask you a question?
Alec: Sure....
Darragh: How did you know that Alyssa was your perfect match?
Alec: I don't know... Maybe it's because of the way she talks to me or rather listens to me... I just know...
Darragh: Do you feel the same way for her that you felt for Cizika?
Alec: No... What I felt for Cizika...
Darragh: What?
Alec: It's different... I actually don't want to talk about that...
Darragh: Aww... I'm sorry... I shouldn't ask...
Alec: Yeah, you shouldn't... *walks away*
Randolph: Do you think we should have voted for Mikale and Ana?
Sara: Yeah... But I guess it's too late now.
Randolph: Oh well, they can try again I guess...
Sara: Maybe others did vote for them. Let's hope.
Randolph: I don't think it matters on the end. Let's see how many matches we can make this round. Do you know who your match is?
Sara: No. But I hope it isn't Leif. I don't have anything against him but...
Randolph: He isn't your type of guy... I understand...
The following pictures are just random... I don't know what is up with Mariƫtte. She's always in a fight with someone...
With Ed...
I think she likes Mikale... ;)
Mariƫtte: I don't think Ana is your type...
Ana: Hey bitch! I can hear you...
Look at Lindsay and Ana in the background...
Lindsay: Who's your bitch? *to Ana*
Ana: Hey blondie, I'm not talking to you...
Lindsay: So who are you talking to?
Ana: Mariƫtte, she's trying to take my man for herself...
Lindsay: What? Such a bitch!
Lindsay: Hey Bitch! Keep your filthy hands off my friend's man!
Matching Ceremony:
Beatrix-Maye: Are you ready to see who's going to the Truth Booth?
Everybody: Yes! Woot!
John: The couple is...
Brad and Fungi!
Fungi: I knew it! Yes!
Beatrix-Maye: Okay, Let's see if you're right...
Beatrix-Maye: They are indeed a Perfect Match! Congratulations...!
Fungi! Woot! I knew it!
John: Okay, let's see how many matches you can make...
Beatrix-Maye: Who wants to go first? It's the girls' turn...
Camilla: Me! And I choose Darnell...
Sara: And I choose Caleb.
Mariƫtte: I choose Leif.
Daniela: I choose Randolph.
Lindsay: I choose Mr. Ron.
Bobbie-Sue: I will leave Russell for Feather and go with Ed...
Russell: Thank you, girls...
John: Okay let's see how your matches work out... Are you ready?
Everybody: Yes! Woot!
Alyssa and Alec!
Brad and Fungi!
Four! Yes!
Five! Woot!
John: Okay that looks like it...
Beatrix-Maye: Congratulations! You got 6 matches... Let's see how will it go from here!
John: Good Night!
And that is all for tonight... Will there be more next time?
Stay tuned until the next episode!
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