(DRE from Emily)
Ana: I'm really happy for my brother, that he found his perfect match so quickly. I hope that Alyssa will make him really happy, happier than Cizika did or at least in a different, better way. Alec has always had a soft spot for the musical ones. He had this friend when we were young who wanted to be a rock star when he grew up. Alec wanted to join his band, but this little dude said Alec didn't have a good singing voice and he needed a singer for his air band. Anyway, as for myself... I... really like Mikale. He is very good looking, so cute and so funny! I hope we are a perfect match because it certainly feels that way. I just don't know who else to look at if I can't look at Mikale. We're a Disney couple type, don't you think?Ana: I'm glad you girls are able to help me...
Daniela: What must we do?
Andi: Yeah, what do you have in mind?
Ana: First we need to push the beds together to make it a double bed...
Daniela: Oooh... Who will sleep here? Don't tell me you two...
Andi: Are you ridiculous? It's for Alec and Alyssa!
Daniela: Oooh... But the beds will move and they will fall in between... Hehe...
Ana: No they won't... We will put the bedside tables next to it and we will put queen size linen over the two beds... We're doing it all the time when we get couples visiting us...
Andi: That's clever...
Daniela: It's a pity there isn't a separate room for them with a double bed... Like a honeymoon suite...
Ana: Mmmm... I think Beatrix-Maye's room was supposed to be the honeymoon suite and you know there is no way she will sleep with John...
Andi: Hehe... I can't imagine them sleeping together... I'm sure John is snoring...
Daniela: Yeah... How did they end up together?
Ana: Let's stop talking and get to work, girls... It's getting late and I still need to prepare food for them...
A half an hour later...
Ana: See, you can't even see the difference...
Daniela: Yep that is clever...
Andi: So what else do we need to do?
Ana: A nice table for two
Andi: And there favorite music...
Andi: Come let's prepare the food for them... We only got an hour left...
Daniela: Ooooh, can I go get them now?
Ana: Not yet, but you can help us with preparing their food...
Alec and Alyssa entering the room.
Alyssa: Wow! Look at this...
Alec: I didn't know this is the honeymoon suite... I thought it's Ana and Andi's room...
Alyssa: It actually is... They gave up their room for us...
Alec: They did?
Alyssa: Yeah, you have a really smart sister and I can see she do care a lot about you...
Alec: She does...
Alyssa: So can I dish for us?
Alec: Sure...
Alyssa: This is really delicious... Your sister knows how to cook...
Ana: Yeah, my little sister learned a lot in the time that I was...
Alyssa: "..."
Alec: Gone...
Alyssa: It's still hard to talk about it... You don't have to do it...
Alec: "..."
Alyssa: Let's forget about that and dance...
Alec: Are you sure you don't care if I step on your toes...?
Alyssa: Hehe... Maybe it's me stepping on your toes...
And that is where we will leave the two birdies for now... ;)
(ADRE from Rosey)
Russell: H-hello, may I speak to Naomi?
Russell: ...
Russell: This is Russell.
Russell: ...
Russell: I... think she does.
Russell: ...thank you.
Russell: ...
Russell: Yes? Naomi?
Russell: What do you mean?
Russell: Look. Could you please put her on the phone?
Russell: ...
Russell: ...I see.
Russell: ...
Russell: Sorry for the inconvenience.
Russell places the receiver back carefully.
Russell: GAH!
He punches the closed door. Pain shoots through his hand.
Russell: GAAA-AAAH!
He leans against the wall, nursing his hand. He looks up as the door opens and Feather enters the room.
Feather: Oh, hello, Russell!
Russell: Hello, Feather.
Feather: Did you hear that big crash? I’m shaken!
Russell coughs.
Russell: No.
Feather: It came from in here!
Russell: Maybe it was a bear.
Feather: There are no bears in here, Russell.
Russell: Maybe it was a horse.
Russell glances at the phone. Feathers eyes follow his.
Feather: ...Were you calling someone?
Russell: No. Yes.
Feather: Who?
Russell: ...
Feather sighs. She looks again at the phone, then back at Russell.
Feather: Why are you nursing your hand?
Russell freezes.
Russell: I’m not.
Feather: Russell, did you go and bang your hand on something? Make a crash?
Russell: Er..
Feather: Oh Russell. You did. And you’re too embarrassed to tell me.
Russell: Well...
Feather grabs Russell by the wrist.
Feather: Come on, let’s get that bound.
Russell jerks his hand out of her grasp.
Russell: Leave it!
Feather: ...
Russell: Sorry.
He mutters.
Russell: It’s not necessary. My hand is fine.
Feather: ...Okay, Tough Guy. Don’t come crying to me if it swells up.
Russell: I won’t. I mean it won’t. Thanks anyway.
Russell leaves.
Feather: Okay, then.
The phone looks at Feather from its receiver. Who had Russell been calling? The redial button is so... pressable.
Feather picks up the receiver and places it to her ear. The dialing tone purrs. Her finger hovers over the button.
(ADRE from Lala)
"Are you ready for the next mission?" Bobbie Sue walks over to Ron who is sitting at the kitchen table.
"I am. I'm hoping to win the next mission so that I get to go on the date. There's someone I am a little bit interested in." He dunks a half-eaten muffin into a cup of black coffee, thankful it's not tin scrap in a quart of oil.
"Oooh, do tell!"
Ron hesitates. "I don't want to jinx it. And I'm more sensitive now that my protective armor is gone."
"I have to admit I'm still attracted to Darragh. I know that we've been out on a date before, but we didn't get to go to the truth booth. I'd like the chance again, but both of us were blasted into oblivian."
Ron smiles at Bobbie sue offering her a muffin, "There will be other dates. I think the two of you make a good couple, but I don't know if you make a perfect couple."
"I have an idea! Maybe the four of us could have our own little date if none of us make it to the big four. We could play a game!"
"I'd like that. If Sara doesn't go on a date then maybe we can play a game of Clue or something. I'll be Col. Mustard!"
"Sara? Oh! She's nice, Ron. That's the girl you like?"
Ron blushes.
(ADRE from Caro and Ice)
Darnell is standing in his room looking out the window while Joshua sits at the desk reading his fan mail.
Darnell: "Man, I wish this house had a pool. The ocean would be even better, of course, but I just miss being in the water."
Joshua: "I know, right? A pool party would be fun!"
Darnell: "Eh, sure, but I just want to swim and feel free." ("and maybe find her", he adds in thoughts.)
Joshua: "Imagine all the girls in their swim wear! Maybe you could even save one from drowning haha"
Darnell thinks about it and smirks: "Yeah, I'd love that."
He quickly shakes off this thought though and continues: "But seriously, isn't there a nearby pool I could go to? Maybe I should take a bath..."
Joshua: "Why don't you sit in the hot tub for a while?"
Darnell: "Hmm...it's not quite what I'm looking for but I guess it'll do for now. Thanks, buddy!"
"You're welcome," Joshua says while turning his attention back to the fan letters.
Darnell puts on his swim trunks and walks through the AYTO house.
Lindsey almost bumps into the wall while staring at him and Bobbie-Sue looks like she saw something delicious.
Bobbie-Sue: "Mmmhh chocolate"
When Darnell reaches the hot tub, he notices that it's already occupied.
Darnell: "Oh hey Camilla. Mind if I join you?"
Camilla: "Not at all, Darnell. We haven't really had a chance to talk much, have we?"
"That's true", he says while getting in.
They sit there in quiet for a while until Darnell breaks the awkward silence.
"So uhm well this might be a weird question but uh have you ever seen a mermaid?"
Camilla: "No, I don't think--oh! There was this one I met while on a trip to Sunlit Tides. Sheila was her name, I think."
Darnell's eyes start to sparkle as he gets really excited.
"I knew it! I knew they exist! In a world with witches and fairies why not also mermaids?
What was she like? Did you talk to her? Where do they live? Are they friendly? I wanna know everything!!!"
"Well someone's excited!" Camilla laughs. "We got to talking for a while, but I only saw her that day of the trip. As far as I know, she went back home to an underwater cove that only advanced scuba divers can reach. She was quite tan with black hair. It suited her, given the climate there. As far as mermaids, or any sentient being for that matter, go, she was pretty sociable, although a bit shy. She showed me a bunch of seashells she collected. Those were pretty."
Darnell: "That sounds awesome! Wait, Sunlit Tides you said? I live there! How have I never noticed anything? Do you know the location of that underwater cove? I definitely have to check it out!"
Camilla: "Oh, wow. Well, the mermaids are somewhat reclusive from what I hear. They rarely show themselves to land-dwellers. I guess Sheila felt sociable that day, and I think she trusted witches more. About the underwater cove, she didn't tell me exactly where it was. She just mentioned it shortly before she went home. I don't think it's a good idea to go there uninvited. Wouldn't want to invite the mermaids' wrath."
"You're probaby right", Darnell says in disappointment. "I spend most of my time in the ocean though...and I'm a trustworthy guy, am I not?"
"I think you are. Maybe someday they'll see you're pure of heart and let you into their magic kingdom, I guess." Camilla chuckles.
Darnell blushes. "Thank you, Camilla. I'm not sure if my heart is that pure though. I'm still a man after all", he laughs while thinking about his conversation with Joshua.
Camilla: "So, why the sudden fascination with mermaids?"
Darnell falls silent for a while unsure if he should talk about it or not. He glances at Camilla who looks at him in anticipation. He notices the warmness in her eyes and all his doubts dissipate. "I think I was saved by one as a child... It all felt like a dream and for the longest time I wasn't sure if it really happened or not. My friends used to laugh at me when I told them about it. They didn't believe me, so I started to doubt myself. But having confirmation now that mermaids exist changes everything! Unfortunately, I don't remember much. I was still pretty young and it was dark and I almost drowned. All I remember were those soft hands that pulled me out of the water and the long wavy hair that shimmered in the moonlight – Alyssa kinda reminds me of her. I also got a glimpse at her tail. The next thing I know I was waking up in my bed like nothing happened. Ever since I've been drawn to the ocean. And now I am the one saving others from drowning as a lifeguard."
Camilla: "Oh. Just like The Little Mermaid...except you never did find her again. You can at least be assured that they do exist."
"And that mermaid who saved you would be lucky to meet you for real", she adds with a smile.
"Except I'm not a prince", Darnell remarks with a chuckle.
Camilla: "You could be her prince. Or someone's prince on this show."
He blushes again. "Haha well I'm here to find love and she doesn't have to be a mermaid...although she would get bonus points for that hahaha. Has any guy caught your attention yet?"
Camilla blushes as well. "Quite a few, actually. Although I still have no idea who my match could be. Randolph's taking it easy right now and doesn't know his yet either, but I don't think he minds that much."
Darnell: "I'm sure you could put a spell on any guy to make him fall in love with you."
Camilla: "I suppose...but that really wouldn't be consensual, and it's a bit of a gray area in Witch Law."
Darnell: "Oh you don't even need magic for that." He winks.
Camilla: "Oh, okay. So, Darnell, maybe if one of us wins a challenge, we should go out sometime?"
Camilla smiles.
Darnell, kinda baffled by her straightforwardness, just nods his head. "Y-yeah sure, that sounds great!" He adds with a smile.
Camilla: "Awesome! I guess even if we aren't a match, it'll be fun! We might as well try, right?"
Darnell: "That's true. And since we both don't have an idea at the moment who our perfect match could be, we can at least get one possibility out of the way...or confirmed."
Camilla: "Yeah, I'd like that."
Darnell: "Good. We have a deal then."
He reaches out his hand to Camilla. Camilla shakes it and smiles at Darnell. Then they both start laughing at the businesslike gesture.
(Idea from Lo)
Caleb: Hey, Emily-Ann...
Emily-Ann: Huh? *turning around* Oh it's you guys... You're startled me...
Joshua: Sorry... Why are you standing here?
Caleb: Yeah, it looks like if you're spying on the people...
Emily-Ann: I don't spy on them... I...
Ed: Yeah...?
Emily-Ann: I'm planning a surprise... But you guys aren't supposed to know...
Joshua: Oooh, I like surprises... What kind of surprise is it?
Emily-Ann: It wouldn't be a surprise if I tell you...
Caleb: But don't you need help...?
Ed: Yeah, tell us what do you need us to do?
(Idea from Lo)
Bobbie-Sue: I still can't believe we got a perfect match right ...
Darnell: Yeah, and 4 others at the matching ceremony... I just wonder who it is...?
Darragh: I bet Feather and Russell is one of them...
Bobbie-Sue: Who do you think is your match, Emily?
Emily-Ann: Ooooh... Maybe the blond guy and I are a match... He is really a hotty, isn't he? I'm glad I didn't end up with that green guy... Ugh...
Bobbie-Sue: I guess I didn't get my match either this round... Brad only got eyes for Fungi...
Darnell: Yeah, I'm still not sure who is my match...
Darragh: I think it's that chick from that WIDM show?
Darnell: Lindsay? You think so?
Ed: Hey guys... Is there something cold at the bar to drink?
Ed: Hey, Emily-Ann! I just left you... Aren't you suppose to be outside with Caleb and the other guys...?
(ADRE from Ice) Camilla and Randolph are sitting outside having a chat.
Camilla: By the way, did you actually watch my season?
Randolph: Oh, yeah, definitely. I wouldn't miss the chance to see my friend on national television.
Camilla: Too bad it got canceled halfway through because of issues with production.
Randolph: Yeah, major bummer. So about Dagmar...
Camilla: Oh, you know the story. Got possessed by the ghost of a Scandinavian queen and went crazy. Found true love. Broke free of possession. Tale as old as time.
Randolph: So she's back to normal?
Camilla: She's no longer a whackjob last I heard, so yes. Although I think Chad was more interested in Finnian, so she's still single.
Randolph: Man, it must be fun being a witch. Except for the possessed by a queen part.
Camilla: Eh, not really. It takes a lot of work, and you have to be real careful. Dagmar was really sloppy with her ritual.
Randolph: I can imagine.
(This is mine)
Ed: So are you guys ready for the next mission?
Sara: Yeah, I wonder what will it be?
Mr. Ron: Something like minesweeper...
Ed: Oooh... I hope they don't blow us up with real explosives...
Sara: Haha... I don't think they will. Everybody will sue them then.
Fungi: I think you guys need to vote for me and Brad in the Truth Booth next time...
Brad: But one of us need to win the next mission first...
Fungi: Yes I know... But I got confidence in you, my love...
Mariëtte: I'm going to win and my perfect match and I will be in the truth booth...
Leif: So who are your perfect match? Me?
Mariëtte: You wish!
Fungi: I know you are my perfect match, and if it isn't, I'm going to sue the AYTO production...
Mariëtte: We need to decide before the ceremony who to choose... I'm sure if we're working together we can have much more matches.
Fungi: But we are doing okay, I guess? We are halfway...
Brad: We are...
Mariëtte: We need to do better. We need to have six or eight right next time.
Leif: We will... I'm sure of it...
Lindsay: Girls, I'm bored... Can we have a party tonight...?
Andi: We need to prepare for the next mission and that is tomorrow...
Ana: Yeah, and I want to win this... Mikale and I need to go to the truth booth...
Lindsay: Are you sure you and this evil Milake is a perfect match? Gross...
Ana: His name is Mikale... And he is not evil!
Lindsay: He is... Look what he did...
Ana: What did he do? Nothing! You're just jealous that he likes me and not you...
Lindsay: I'm not! I have my guy, Tyler!
Daniela: Girls... Stop! It's not the time to fight!
The Mission:
John: Okay, this is called Minesweeper but it won't exactly work like the original game... We're not allowed to bomb the place... Hehe...
Beatrix-Maye: So the 'bombers' will be 2 humans, dressed like Ninjas. Alec and Alyssa will take you guys out when they found you...
John: But just not to run around and stay out of the Ninjas' way, you guys also need to find five treasure chests.
Beatrix-Maye: The 4 people that got the most valuable gems will go on a date. Sadly one of them will stay home with the others...
John: Are you ready?
Everybody: Yes!
Beatrix-Maye: Okay, just give Alec and Alyssa time to hide then you can go look for the treasure chests...
And off they go!
Sara: This will be fun... Where can it be?
Caleb: I wonder where did Emily-Ann go?
Andi: Ouch... I hope he didn't see me...
Bobbie-Sue: Do you think it's a good idea that I go with you? Maybe you should ask Sara?
Mr. Ron: I first need to win this mission.
Mikale: Hi Beautiful...
Ana: Don't sneak on me like this... You startled me!
Mikale: But you're glad it's me and not one of the Ninjas...
Ana: Yeah, yeah...
Mikale: Ana...
Ana: Yeah...
Mikale leaned forward and steal a kiss...
Ana: Hey, we need to go and look for treasure...
Mikale: I already found mine... *taking her in his arms again*
Darragh: Maybe I should've ask...
Joshua: I'm sure there must be a chest here somewhere...
Fungi: Dang Brad, I told him to wait for me here at the bridge... Where is he?
Randolph: Oooh... I just missed him...
Emily-Ann: I wish I could wear my jeans... This clothes is so ... Ugh...
Alyssa: Yes! My first victim...
Caleb is dreaming about Emily-Ann and doesn't see the danger behind him...
Alyssa: Got cha!
Caleb: Noooo...
Ed: Hopefully I can find the treasure before the others...
Camilla is also daydreaming...
Alec: Sorry...
Camilla: Aww man...
Feather: Are you sure we're on the right way?
Russell: Yeah... Just follow me...
Leif: I wonder if the ninjas caught some of the guys yet?
Lindsay: Tyler!
Alec: My next victim... Haha...
Emily-Ann: I wonder if I can go skinny dip in the river... That water looks so...
Emily-Ann: What de...!
Alec: You're out of the game!
Alyssa: Oooh...
Alyssa: You know you're supposed to move around...
Ana: Oh shit!
Alyssa: Yeah, I got you!
Mikale: Ana, run! She can't take both of us out!
Mikale: Do as I tell you! Run!
Ana: Okay! I will win for us! Promise!
Darnell: I'm tired... This place is really big... I'm sure I'm going in circles...
Lindsay: Where are you! Tyler!
Alyssa: Look behind you!
Lindsay: What?
Alyssa: You're out!
Fungi: Oh there you are...
Brad: Where were you? I was waiting for you at the bridge...
Fungi: Which bridge? There are zillions of them...
Daniela: I'm sure I saw Randolph just here... Where did he disappear to?
Alec: Ooooh... Another victim... This is so easy...
Randolph: I wonder if Camilla is still in the game... Let me text her...
Alec: You shouldn't do that in the open...
Randolph: What?!
Alec: I think you just join your besti...!
Mariëtte: I wonder....
Alyssa: Another pair of love birds... Ooooh... I like...
Russell: Feather run!
Alyssa: Not so fast...
Russell: Why? You can't take both of us... Let her go and take me...
Alyssa: But who says I want you... Feather is the one I want. So leave before I take you too...
Feather: Listen to her and go! You can win this for us!
Daniela: Where is that treasure chest... I'm sure I should have seen one by now... *talking to herself*
Alec: Maybe you just past one...
Daniela: What?!
Alec: Got cha!
Ana: Oooh... That must be it!
Ana: It's true! I found one!
Ana: Woot!
Ana: Awesome! It looks like a turquoise gem... I wonder how much is it worth?
Ed: Ooooh... There is a chest...
Alec: Too late dude! I got you first!
Alec: Are you two fighting again?
Fungi: What?! Dang!
Alec: Yep, you should be looking for treasure not quarreling here in the open...
Brad: Are you taking both of us?
Alec: I wish I can, but no...
Brad: Take me then...
Fungi: No take me...
Alec: Uhmm... Eenie, Meenie, Mynie, Mo, catch the tiger by his toe... I will take Fungi... You can go... For now!
Brad: Dang...

Andi: Finally!

Andi: Oooh... A soul piece...

Andi: I'm sure this must be a fortune!
Alyssa: Mr. Tin man and Dorothy... Got you!
Bobbie-Sue: Mr. Ron, run!
Mr. Ron: But I can't leave you here...
Bobbie-Sue: Do it for Sara! You need to go on a date with her...
Alyssa: What? Are those two a perfect match?
Bobbie-Sue: We hope so...
Alyssa: Hehe... I hope so too...
Bobbie-Sue: So are you taking me out?
Alyssa: Mmmm... I don't see anyone else... Do you?
Sara: I know it must be here...
Alec: Are you looking for me?
Sara: Nope... Do I have a chance to run?
Alec: Sorry...

Brad: Woot! I found a treasure chest!

Brad: Let's see what I found...

Brad: A Rainbow Gem! Awesome!
Alyssa: Hey, Darnell...
Darnell: What?!
Alyssa: Got cha!

Darragh: Woot! I finally got it!

Darragh: Show me what you have...

Darragh: A bloodstone...
Joshua: Where are the chests? Are they sure they did put it in the vicinity?
Alec: They did... You just didn't look hard enough...
Joshua: Dang... Am I out?
Alec: Yep! Game over!
Alyssa: Meowe...
Mariëtte: What the...
Alyssa: Where did you get that?
Mariëtte: What?
Alyssa: That wand? Is it John's?
Mariëtte: It's not a wand... It's a stick I picked up here...
Alyssa: Are you sure? It looks like John's wand...
Mariëtte: It is a stick... Check for yourself... I'm not stupid to take John's wand... He will kill me!
Alyssa: Or turn you into a toad... Hehe... By the way, you're out!
Russell: Where did they put these chests... I'm sure I looked everywhere...
Russell: If Feather was here...
Alec: Russell... I can see you...
Mr. Ron: Yes! I got it!
Alyssa: Not so fast...
Mr. Ron: What?
Alyssa: You're out!
Mr. Ron: But I did...
Alyssa: Sorry... That one is not for you...
Leif: Yes!
Leif: Let's see what is in here...
Leif: A Citrine Gem...
John: Congratulations girls and guys... You did well...
Beatrix-Maye: So let's see what is the gems worth...
John: The citrine gem is 75 simeleons...
Beatrix-Maye: The Bloodstone is 111 Simeleons
John: The Turquoise is 115 Simeleons
Beatrix-Maye: The Rainbow Gem is 949 Simeleons...
John: And the winner is the Soulpiece with 9290 Simeleons worth!
Congratulations to the winners!
Stay tuned until the next episode!
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