Fungi: Awww... I don't like scary places...
Darragh: Should we stay outside then?
Mariëtte: You can't do that... The production paid a fortune to get this place for us...
Feather: Really? Who wants to stay outside if you can have the best time of your life...
Russell: True, this going to be fun!
Alyssa: I can't wait to go in!
Darnell: Can I hold your hand?
Alec: Alyssa and I are going first...
Fungi: Good... Can we go last?
Darnell: No way! You can go after Alyssa and Alec and Mariëtte and I can follow you...
Feather: Russell and I will go last to make sure nobody chicken out...
Mariëtte: Haha, I hope you guys don't chicken out...
Russell: Never...
Alec: Yep, let's go!
Alyssa: Ooooh... Spooky...
Alec: What...?!
Alyssa: Haha, don't tell me you're scared already? We're still in the entrance...
Alec: Don't you see the ghost behind me?
Alyssa: Where? I don't see anything...
Alec: There he goes...!
Alyssa: Where?
Alec: Oooh... There's another one!
Alyssa: Where...?
Alyssa: Ooooh... There...
Alec: See..? What did I tell you?
Alyssa: Ooooh... Why is he going that way... Come to mama...!
Alec: No... Go away!
Alec: Ouch, he heard you...
Alyssa: Awesome!
Alec: Mmmm... Doesn't he look familiar?
Alyssa: Yeah... It does look as if he is wearing Leif's clothes... I didn't know he died?
Alec: Nah, it can't be him...
Alyssa: Hi buddy...
Alec: Cool, let's go on!
Alyssa: Oooh... What's that?
Alec: A mummy coffin... Do you think there's a mummy inside?
Alyssa: I dare you to go look inside...
Alec: No problem... I always want to... Hehe...
Alyssa: Oh wait! Something is happening...
Alec: Ooooh... Looks like there is a mummy inside and it just escaped...
Alyssa: And now it doesn't come our way... Why?
Alec: Maybe there's something that side he can munch... I guess...
Fungi: I hate scary places...
Darragh: Yeah, why did production send us here...? The hot air balloon was so much more fun... Ooooh...
Fungi: Do you think they will bite us? I don't want to become a zombie just like them... Ooooh...
Darragh: Maybe we must get out of here... Let's go back!
Fungi: I don't think we can, Mariëtte and Darnell won't let us pass them...
Darragh: But I don't want to become a zombie! Did they come closer? Ooooh...
Fungi: Let's go further before they eat our brains!
Darragh: Yep, let's go...! This way?
Mariëtte: Oh no... Poor man got trapped. Will we help him?
Mariëtte: But he will die if we don't help him...
Darnell: Awww... I don't think it's real... It's just for our entertainment.
Mariëtte: But what if it isn't? Maybe he was supposed to do something else and now he gets electrocuted in the process.
Darnell: He looks really fine to me...

Mariëtte: No he doesn't, look! He got burned! Go help him!
Darnell: Why must I help him? Where is the staff! *screaming* Help! People! Come help this guy!
Mariëtte: Why is nobody coming? He is dying!
Darnell: I don't know! *People! Help!*
Mariëtte: Aww... He escaped! Finally!
Darnell: Phew! I was scared for a moment the guy is going to die in front of our eyes...
Mariëtte: Hopefully he is okay now...?
Darnelle: I think he will... Will we continue?
Mariëtte: Oooh, gross...
Darnell: Oooh, look there! Something is happening in the picture...
Mariëtte: Looks like the same ghost that scared us at the entrance... Ooooh...
Darnelle: Yeah, it's him...
Mariëtte: Hi Randolph!
Darnell: Who says it's him?
Mariëtte: It does look like him...
Darnelle: Mmmm...
Feather: Another zombie... Oooh...
Russell: Yeah, looks like this place is full of zombies... Maybe there's a zombie outbreak in town that we don't know of...
Feather: Hopefully there isn't a mummy in this coffin...
Russell: Aww, poor women... I wonder if it's her daughter next to her?
Feather: Oooh... Look at the spider! I hate spiders!
Russell: Oh no, the old woman is moving? Why is she looking at us?
Feather: It's getting creepy... Let's get out of here...!
Alyssa: Is that...?
Alec: Mikale and Sara... Looks like them...
Alyssa: What in the world! What's happening to them? Are they splitting in two?
Alec: Looks like that... Oooh...
Alyssa: What are you doing? Look at them!
Alec: I'm just texting someone...
Alyssa: Oooh... They're just stepping out of their Ice sculptures...
Alec: And then they disappeared... How impressive... How did they do that?
Alyssa: Wow! That's amazing!
Fungi: Awesome! No zombies!
Darragh: Yeah, that's a relieve...
Fungi: What! She just turned into a zombie! Oh noooo....!
Darragh: And she's coming this way!
Fungi: Let's get out of here! Noooooo....!
Mariëtte: Are that John and Brad?
Darnell: Yeah... What are they talking about?
Mariëtte: I don't know...
Darnell: What's John doing?
Mariëtte: Is that a Voodoo doll?
Darnell: What is he doing with it?
Mariëtte: I think he is putting a spell on him...
Darnell: Wow! Will he be a frog too?
Mariëtte: I don't think it's that kind of spell... He would have used his wand for that...
Darnell: Okay... So what is he doing?
Mariëtte: I think he put a binding spell on him...
Darnell: So he can control him afterward... Oooh, nice...
Feather: Oh noooo... Who did this to them?
Russell: I don't know...
Feather: Poor Bobbie-Sue and Mr. Ron... What did they do to deserve that...?
Russell: Maybe they were caught cheating... Haha... Who are their perfect matches?
Feather: I don't know their's, but I do know mine... Hehe...
Russell: Really? Who is it?
Feather: Mmmm...
Alyssa: Hey! Stop being on your phone the whole time! Look! Here's a talking mirror...
Alec: I'm just taking pictures...
Alyssa: Haha, you're lying!
Alec: Okay... I just want to let my sister know I'm okay... She's just worried about me...
Alyssa: Why? Is she scared that your heart can't take a little 'horror' excitement?
Skeleton: Haha... Do we have a scary cat here?
Magic Mirror: Mmmm... Is this too much for you, vampire boy?
Alec: No, I'm not scared at all. Why would I?
Magic Mirror: Because of Zombies and Ghosts and Mummies...
Alec: It takes more than that to scare me... Haha...
Magic Mirror: Okay... I believe you... So what do you want from me tonight?
Alyssa: I want to know if we're going to the Truth Booth and if we are a match?
Magic Mirror: Mmmm... Unfortunately, I can't tell you that...
Alyssa: Why not?
Magic Mirror: It will spoil the show...
Alyssa: But I...
Magic Mirror: Sorry, your time is up... Bye...
Alyssa: Noooooo! Answer me before you go!
Alec: Awww... I guess he's gone now...
Alyssa: Awww... Damn...
Alyssa: I guess this is the last passage...
Alec: It looks like that... There's the exit door...
Alyssa: But there's some last moment entertainment...
Alec: And there's a mummy next to you!
Alyssa: Oh noooo...!
Alec: And he is coming for us!
Alyssa: So let's get outta here then! Bye!
Mummy: "..."
Darragh: Looks like that... This is the last room and the exit door is behind us...
Fungi: I think that mummy is coming our way...!
Darragh: Yep, he is! Let's go before we're becoming a mummy-snack!
Darragh: Wait for me!

Mariëtte: Aww man... This is the last room!
Darnell: Yeah, it is... But this was so much fun!
Mariëtte: Shall we go?
Darnell: Yep...

Feather: Awww, another mummy... They're so cute... I love mummies...
Russell: They are adorable, but I think we need to go because that mummy just saw us and I really still love my life as is...
Feather: Haha, okay... Bye cutie-pie!
And so end an exciting date! (Hope you guys enjoyed it! Just to say that the horror rooms weren't in the same place as the first pictures. I originally planned them to go on a date there but things didn't work out well there and then I decided to make this Horror House in the same place as where the matching ceremonies taking place every week.)
Back Home:
Brad: Wow! that was exciting! I can't believe production decided on the non-daters to do the stunts in the 'Horror House'...
Leif: Yeah, to be a ghost was really so cool!
Darnell: Yeah, you guys did well. I really thought you were dead! How did you do that?
Leif: Some production tricks... Elusion...
Darnell: You guys were very good! Poor Caleb, I guess to be electrocuted four times in a row must have taken his toll on him...
Brad: Luckily that was just an elusion. He would've been dead by now... Hehe...
Leif: Hey, there's Emily-Ann! Let's go talk to her...
Brad: Hi Emily-Ann... What are you doing at this old shack?
Emily-Ann: I'm living here doefess...
Guys: "..."
Emily-Ann: Just joking... What are you guys doing here?
Darnell: We were taking a walk and discover this place... What is this place?
Leif: Yeah, it looks interesting... Let's check it out...!
Emily-Ann: Aww guys, it's not that interesting... Just a burned out old shack...
Brad: But we want to check it out... Maybe there are some valuables under the rubble...
Emily-Ann: I told you guys there's nothing to see. So shoo! Get out now!
Guys: "..."
Emily-Ann: Don't you have something to do back at the house?
Brad: I guess...
Emily-Ann: So what are you waiting for? Go!
Darnell: Don't you want to come with us?
Emily-Ann: "..."
Leif: Yeah, come with us! The woods and this place isn't good for a girl like you... Tramps and bad guys can be hiding in there.
Emily-Ann: A girl like me? Awww...
Darnell: Yeah, So are you coming?
Emily-Ann: Oh well, I guess it can't hurt... *looking back to the shack*
Brad: You look nice in this clothes... You need to wear it more regularly.
Emily-Ann: Really? You think that? Haha, I don't think Emily... I mean...
Brad: Haha...
Darnell: So how long do you know that place? How did you find it?
Emily-Ann: Not long...

Camila: Haha, that was fun to be the old women's ghost daughter...
Daniela: I guess the zombie-role wasn't too bad...
Lindsay: Yeah, you should've seen the guys faces when I turned from a nice girl into a zombie... I cracked myself every time...

Ed: Aww... I don't know... I guess I will take the leftover... Who do you think is my perfect match?
Andi: Mmmm... I can't really see anyone with you... They are all so... Ugh...
Andi: Oh yes... And I really thought Brad and I had a thing on but then my heart got broken... Oooh...
Ed: I'm sorry...
Andi: Aww... It's not your fault...

Feather: I really had a nice time with the date...
Russell: It was nice...
Feather: Uhm...
Russell: What?
Feather: I really hope they will choose us for the Truth Booth, but I fear we're going to lose against Alyssa and Alec...
Russell: Aww... Don't worry, we will know eventually...
Feather: Yeah, True...
Feather: Over the past couple of days, I have found a certain interest in Russell. I have decided to ask him to go out with him after the show is over even if we aren't perfect matches. Just because if some show decided that we aren't perfect matches doesn't mean we are. Look at Naomi and the Hood for example.
Emily-Ann: I heard from the guys that you had fun being stunts for the 'Horror House'?
Ana: The others did, I hadn't done anything... But why are you asking? You were the witch in the one scene?
Emily-Ann: Was I? Oh yes... Oops...
Brad: Haha, it looks like you were too long out in the sun... You can't remember a thing...
Emily-Ann: What can I say? But tell me about your roles. What did you do, Darragh?
Darragh: I was on the date, remember? Fungi and I were playing scary cats all the time... Haha..
Ana: So you mean you weren't scared at all?
Darragh: Ssshh... Don't tell Fungi that, but I didn't want her to feel bad so I pretend...
Brad: Haha... You did well... I could see the fear in your eyes...
Darragh: Yeah... But on the end I had fun...
Ana: So do you think Fungi is your perfect match?
Darragh: Aww... That one... She doesn't say but I think she still got the hots for Brad... *nickering to Brad* You should see her with the scene where John placed a spell on Brad... She almost went and 'rescue' him from John...
Brad: She did? I didn't see that... I was under John's spell... Hehe...
Ana: Then I guess she's all yours...
Brad: But what if we're not a match?
John: Hello.
Camilla: Hi John! So how's life been ever since finding the love of your life last season? :smiley:
John: Alright.
John frowns as he straightens his tie.
Camilla: Any special plans with Beatrix-Maye? It must be so nice meeting your soulmate on the show. Dagmar ended up with someone who likes someone else, and I got matched with, well, him.
John walks past her, setting his portable pentium on a nearby desk. He begins to type.
Camilla: Well, it was nice talking to you.
Camilla proceeds to her room to get ready for the matching ceremony.

Fungi: Did you guys see Brad?
Alyssa: He was just outside not long ago...
Darnell: Yeah, he was with me and Leif when we met Emily-Ann in the woods earlier... A really strange girl that one...
Darnell: No... She was dressed but not in the normal clothes that we see her here every day...
Alyssa: Oh yes, I saw her. She's at the bar, drink one drink after the other... What is up with her?
Fungi: I wish I knew... But see ya later, there's Brad just now...
Brad: Hey, Jungle girl... Did you have fun with your date?

Fungi: Hey Brad... Aww, not at all...
Brad: Really? Did you miss me?
Fungi: Yeah... I did... You would have protected me against all the scary creatures...
Brad: And did you miss this? *leaning forward and steal a kiss*
Fungi: Yeah, I missed this very much...
Brad: Aww... I promise you that you will never ever miss me kissing you ever again...
Fungi: That's why I love you so much. So considered, always...

Brad: We need to talk to the guys... No more choosing someone else, okay?
Fungi: But what if we're not a perfect match?

Brad: Then I guess I need to 'borrow' John's laptop to change that...
Fungi: Haha, will you do that?
Brad: For you? I will do everything that's possible...
Fungi: Awww... Maybe Mikale knows who is our perfect matches... Shall we go ask him if we're a perfect match?
Brad: That's a brilliant idea... Let's go look for him...
Emily-Ann: Man... This is life! Why didn't I come here sooner...?
Darnell: What? Emily-Ann what's up with you? First, you can't remember acting in the 'Horror House", now you can't even remember living here with all of us for the past four weeks? Hey, do you know my name at least?
Emily-Ann: Randolph, Caleb... Ed? Aww you know I'm not good with names...
Darnell: I really think you need a doctor... You have contracted with something in that old shack...
Emily-Ann: *hick* Can I pour you another drink?
Caleb: I would like one, thanks...
Emily-Ann: Oops... *the bottle slips and falls to the ground*
Caleb: Are you okay? Maybe I can help you with it...
Emily-Ann: I am fine, fuck!
Caleb: Are you sure?
Emily-Ann: Read my lips... I am fucking fine! Stop harassing me!
Caleb: Okay... I'm going to get ready for the matching ceremony. You should go too...
Emily-Ann: What?
Caleb: "..." *gets up and leave*
Lindsay: So who are you going to choose tonight?
Leif: I'm not sure... I don't think I have a perfect match...
Lindsay: Aww, everyone does...
Leif: Oh well not me... First I thought it was Bobbie-Sue, but I guess it's not her... And I really can't see me with anyone else... It was a mistake to come with Fungi to AYTO.
Lindsay: Awww... Don't feel like that... I'm sure there is someone for you...
Leif: Maybe in this show, but not out there. But I'm glad for Fungi that she and Brad find each other again... So it's not all in vain...
Lindsay: Oh well, we have to get ready for the ceremony... Let's go check how many matches we can make tonight...
Feather: I hope you guys voted for me and Russell for the Truth Booth?
Sara: I think the couple who deserves it the most will be there...
Caleb: I just hope we can get a perfect match tonight... That will really help with the choices next time...
Camilla: Yeah true... Let's just hope for a perfect match tonight...!
Sara: Uhm... We need to go now, aren't you getting dressed in something more appropriate? *to Emily-Ann*
Emily-Ann: What is it with you guys? Don't I look stunning?
Everyone: "..."
Emily-Ann: Okay! I will go put on Emily-Ann's boring clothes... Ugh! Fuck! *leaving*
Matching Ceremony:
Beatrix-Maye: Did you guys have fun with the 'Horror House'?
Everybody: Yes!
John: So are you ready to see who's going to the Truth Booth?
Everybody: Yes!
Beatrix-Maye: Okay, it was a close call but on the end, Alec and Alyssa are going to the Truth Booth!
Alyssa: Yes!
John: Okay, let's see if you are right?
Beatrix-Maye: Yes! We've got a perfect match!
Everybody: Woot!
John: Okay let's see if you can make more matches...
Beatrix-Maye: So it's the guys turn to choose... Are you ready?
Everybody: Yes!
John: So who is up first?
Brad: Me... But alas my perfect match is taken so I choose Bobbie-Sue.
Beatrix-Maye: Who wants to be next?
Randolph: I will choose Daniela...
John: Mmmm... Next one?
Mr. Ron: Finally I can choose someone as the human me... I don't know if she's my perfect match but I will choose Sara...
Beatrix-Maye: I also don't know if she's Misses right, but let's see... Who wants to be next?
Mikale grabs Ana by the hand and goes stand on the digital footprints...
John: Do you think she's a perfect match?
Mikale looks at Ana.
Ana: Do you want to say something?
Ana: Do you want me to kiss you?
Mikale nods...
Ana: Okay...
Ana kiss him on the cheek...
Ana: Oh noooo! What's happening...? Is this suppose to happen?
Everybody: Ouch...
Mariëtte: Oooh... Now what? I guess they can't kiss each other now.
Darnell: Hopefully Ana's spell won't last long...
Everybody: Awww...
Beatrix-Maye: I guess we should go on with the matching ceremony. Who's up next?
Joshua: I will choose Camilla...
Ed: I will choose Lindsay...
Leif: And I will choose Emily-Ann...
John: And that leaves Caleb with Andy...
Caleb: Wait!
Beatrix-Maye: Yes...?
Leif: Sure, If the hosts are okay with it.
Beatrix-Maye: Normally I wouldn't allow that, but I am in a good mood tonight. Yes, you can swap partners.
Caleb: Awesome! Emily-Ann?
Emily Ann: Ugh. Okay... Who wants to date a plant anyway? I mean, why even apply? Aren't their other plants to date? There are millions of them in the ground. I'm sure he could easily find a compatible partner by searching that way.
Caleb: Perhaps, but I have the beautiful Emily-Ann as my partner.
Emily Ann: Watch it, boy. I'm not your partner. I'm just going on a date with you.
Caleb: Oh, yeah. Well, we still get to go on a date.
Emily Ann: Yes. And I'm sure it'll be grand.
John: And that leaves Leif with Andi...
Beatrix-Maye: Okay, let's see if you have chosen your perfect matches... Are you ready...?
Everybody: Yes! Woot!
Everyone: Alec and Alyssa... Woot!
Another one! Woot!
And there's three!
Yes! Another one!
Oh goodie! There are five...!
John: Okay, that's it! Only five right!
Beatrix-Maye: But that is awesome guys! Well done!
John: That is all for tonight. Good Night!
But just before they go back home Ana transform back into a human...
And she kisses Mikale again for the second time...
Ana: It's working!
And Mikale is back to normal again...! Woot!
Mikale: I don't know how can I ever thank you for kissing me again after what happened to you...
Ana: Awww... It's okay... I will do it again... But promise me you will never ever touch John's laptop again?
Mikale: I promise... Hehe...
And that is all for tonight!
Stay tuned until the next episode!
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