Mikale: "..."
Mr. Ron getting bezerk!
Mikale: What was that for?
Mr. Ron: That was because of your bad behavior in the truth booth!
Mikale: I did nothing wrong...
Mr. Ron: Oh yes you did. You were so rude! How must Bobbie-Sue felt after she really thought the two of you could be a match?
Mikale: I don't have anything against Bobbie-Sue. I just like someone else more.
Mr. Ron: But that wasn't necessary to be rude to her. You should consider her feelings before your own lust.
Mikale: Lust? Is that what you think of me?
Mr. Ron: This is what I think of you... *slapping him in the face*
Mr. Ron: And now stay away from me and Bobbie-Sue!
Mikale: "..."
Caleb: The girls did well. They had three perfect matches correct...
Darnell: Yeah, and now it's our turn again...
Darragh: Guys, I'm sure we can do it... We were just unlucky the first time. At least we got one right...
Darnell: Oh yes, but that was with someone's interference. Originally we got nothing right.
Caleb: Hey, Emily... Where are you going?
Emily-Ann: Just for a walk...
Caleb: Can I go with you to see that nothing happens to you in the woods?
Emily-Ann: Awww, It's okay, I won't be long and I can look after myself.
Caleb: Mmm...
Darragh: Mmm... Do I mistaken it or do you have the hots for this girl?
Caleb: I'm just worried about her all alone in the woods. Anything can happen to her. I don't like it.
Darnell: So why don't we follow her and make sure that nothing happens to her?
Caleb: Do you think we should?
Darragh: I think we should. We still need to check that place out where she was the other day...
(Thank you, Lo) They decided to follow Emily Ann one evening as the sun had begun to sink low in the sky.
They'd been wanting to ever since the last time they'd seen her sneak into the nearby forest.
As they crept along, they remained silent. As they approached the trees, they saw a path and walked towards it.
It was a skinny, dirt path with only enough room for a single-file line.
As they concentrated on not getting smacked by tree branches and bushes as they carefully made their way, they almost forgot to look for Emily Ann as well.
Caleb hit Darnell.
Caleb: "What?"
Darnell: "Sh!"
"Oh, yeah, sorry. What is it?" Caleb said in a whisper.
"It's Santa," Darnell said, rolling his eyes.
Caleb punched Darnell.
Caleb: "Sh!"
"Oh, brother. What's going on?" Darragh walked up to them.
Caleb: "Are you all trying to get her to hear us?"
Darnell: "I hear some music."
Caleb: "Well, let's keep going. I'm sure we'll find her now. Maybe she likes to party alone."
"We shouldn't be here. If she wants her privacy to do this, then that's her business," Caleb said.
Darragh: "I agree. We shouldn't be here."
They turn to go when one of them steps on a branch, causing a loud snap that echoed around the clearing.
Emily Ann turns her head. "Hi, boys. Did you need something?" She smiled and winked, "Do you want to join me?""Um, no, Emily. We're very sorry for disturbing your private moment." Caleb and Darragh turned around to go. Darnell whistled.
"Mighty fine body you've been granted, Emily."
He says, "Darnell."
"Oh, well, though I do enjoy good conversation with men, I think it's time you moved on. Go on. Get out."
(Thank you Rosey and Lo)Mikale sighs before opening the door to John’s room.
John’s back is to the door. He is typing something on his portable pentium. Every now and then he whispers to it.
Mikale clears his throat.
Mikale: You wanted to see me?
John turns his chair. He pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
John: Yes.
Mikale: ...
John: I understand you’ve been playing... matchmaker, is it?
John: Please. You were seen, Mikale.
Mikale: Oh?
Mikale: I-
John: You may never touch my computer.

Mikale: I didn’t touch your computer.
John: ...
Mikale: You say I was seen doing it?
John: ...

Mikale: Yeah, didn't think so. No proof.
John: Stop.

Mikale: ...
John: ...
Mikale: ...
John: ...
Mikale: Look, old man. There’s no proof I touched your computer or did anything wrong so I CAN leave.
John: Ordinarily, yes, but... This is a special case. You used my girl, Mikale.
Mikale: Your “girl”?
John strokes his portable Pentium's keyboard in a tender caress.
Mikale: You’re cracked.
John: My Lacie. The fastest processor, unlimited storage, and as reliable as she is unbreakable. And you used her. I know you used her.
Mikale scowls.
John: You would do well to drop the act, boy.
Mikale: Okay, so I touched your stupíd computer. So what?
John flinches.
John: Lacie... Is not just an object to me.
Mikale: Seriously, man. Get a grip. It's like it used to be your wife or something. Dude, whoever did that should be applauded. I can't wait to tell everyone else about the love affair you have with your computer. Ew. Wait. Did I just have an affair with your computer? Is that why you're so upset? Gross. I need to go wash my hands.
John straightens his tie. He sighs, reaching a hand into his blazer pocket.
Mikale turns to leave, only to find the door locked. He sparks a grin.
Mikale: Yeah, because a locked door can keep me in.
Lindsay: Are you guys ready for the next mission?
Ed: Yeah, I can't wait.
Ana: I really need to win this time!
Lindsay: Why? Do you know who your perfect match is?
??? "Can I take this place?"
Ed: Sure...
Ana: Uhm... Do we know you?
??? "..."
Ana: I know you! You are Mr. Ron! Beatrix-Maye's potion worked!
Mr. Ron: Yep! It did work, and I'm happy to be human again!
Lindsay: That's awesome! Finally, we can meet the guy behind the tin body.
Ana: Oooh, and all the girls will fight over you. You look very handsome Mr. Ron!
Mr. Ron: Do you think so?
Ana: Definitely!
Bobbie-Sue: Aww, I see you guys already met the new Mr. Ron...
Ana: Yeah, and if it wasn't that I'm sure about my perfect match already, I would have been totally in love with him...
Mr. Ron: Hopefully my perfect match will feel the same. It was hard to woo someone in a tin body. I'm grateful to Beatrix-Maye and owe her big time.
Emily-Ann: Did you guys see Mikale this morning?
Leif: Sorry... We didn't...
"Okay, this show is driving me nuts. Why did I even decide to sign up? Since a few days, I don't feel that good. I like Darnell, a lot, but then I always think about Taylor...I mean Tyler. I mean I didn't see him for over a year, but what am I supposed to do? We never officially broke up or something. Mary-Heath and Dana always tell me I should just go for it, and believe me, I want it, but what if Tyler comes back, I don't want to be a two-timer like Trent or Gwen? AHHHH!!!! *runs out*"
Yannik the Manager: "God, just kiss him already! Why did I decide to take this job? Sure, I needed the money so my parents couldn't bother me anymore, but why couldn't I just take the job Uncle Herbert offered me?"
Emily-Ann: Do you guys know where Mikale is?
Fungi: I didn't see him with an eye this morning...
Randolph: Neither did I.
Emily-Ann: Mr. Ron...?
Mr. Ron: One, two...
Darragh: Nope... Sorry...
Lindsay: Maybe he is in the hot tub...
Camilla: I just came from there and he isn't there...
Emily-Ann: Oh well, I'm sure he will show up sooner or later...
Fungi: What do you guys think about what the next mission will be?
Caleb: *yawning* Hopefully something that I can win.
Mr. Ron: I will also like to win. Who do you think I can ask on a date?
Alyssa: Mmm... Maybe Camilla...
Mr. Ron: If we weren't already in the truth booth I would have like to go on a date with you again, Fungi...
Fungi: Aww... You are sweet... It's a pity we aren't a perfect match. I would've like to go on a date with you again.
Mr. Ron: Are you guys sure there isn't a perfect match after the hacking?
Caleb: That's what they told us...
"I swear, if I ever see a Total Drama contestant ever again in a show I participate, I will put a lawsuit on the producers. Every time a TD contestant that ever entered a show I was I was the one with the bad mood. Max was a total psychopath who is at a place where he belongs now and Lindsay might be the most brain-damaged girl I've ever got to know in my life. Now I will probably be all by myself again. Even if Randolph and I are a match, he already told me that it won't work, and that 'I will think about it, okay?' is another word for no, I know men, they always say something like this just to get out of awkward situations. UGH!!!"
Feather: You guys should've voted for Russell and me for the truth booth.
Bobbie-Sue: Yeah, you should have, then I wasn't humiliated by that skunk.
Alyssa: Awww... I hope you told him his fortune...
Ana: Girls, he did apologize didn't he?
Bobbie-Sue: Yeah, after Mr. Ron told him to do so.
Brad: I'm sure he didn't mean it that way...
Russell: Yeah, he was just happy that his plan worked out well... Whatever it was... I'm not sure that it was him that hacked into the AYTO databases. It could be anyone.
Brad: True... We all assume it was him. All we know it could be someone else that has done it, someone that we don't even know...
Ana: See? Why must everybody always assume that it's Mikale that did all the bad things...?
Feather: Yeah, let's give him the benefit of the doubt. We don't know if it's him.
Daniela: Did you hear about Emily-Ann? I can't believe she has the nerves to come back here and pretend if nothing happened...
Leif: Aww... The guys should've turned around when they saw her... And they shouldn't talk about it...
Daniela: Yeah, maybe... But who would've thought the sweet innocent Emily-Ann will go skinny dipping all by herself...?
Leif: I did that myself in the pools at the forest falls... That is really refreshing...
Daniela: Yeah, but I'm sure it's far from the neighborhood where people can walk on you any minute...
???: "croak"
Leif: Wow! Where did you get that costume? Is it Halloween already?
???: "Croak"
Leif: You can speak to us...
???: "Croak, croak"
Daniela: Why are you wearing Mikale's clothes?
Leif: Mikale, is it you? Haha, you do look funny...
Mikale: "Croak"
Daniela: Haha, Mikale, you can take that mask off now.
Leif: Where have you been? Emily-Ann was looking for you.
Mikale: Croak, croak...
Daniela: Haha, we know it's you, stop pretending you are a frog.
But after Mikale nods his head and keeps on croaking they realized Mikale was turned into a frog. But by whom?
Sara: "Well, avoiding Mariëtte has been a very successful operation the past few days. At least that's good. The rest... not so much. I haven't really been able to bond deeply with the others... I'm just not in my element here. Well, I've talked to Leif. He's nice. But he's also involved with whatever the hell is going on between Fungi and Brad, so if things get mean I'd rather not be caught in the crossfire, thank you very much.
But anyway, I've never really talked about deeper things with other people. Mostly all it's about is love and the love game. But in order to find love, you must be able to form deep bonds first.
I could try and talk to someone during a game of chess I guess?"
Sara: Oh, it feels so cold this morning.
Mr. Ron: Yeah, who would have thought it could be this cold, especially in Starlight Shores.
Sara: Do you think it's going to rain this afternoon?
Mr. Ron: Aww, I'm not sure. Let's hope not.
Sara: Yep, it will ruin the mission this afternoon.
Mr. Ron: Yeah, let's hope it's not raining.
(Thank you, Vul)
Mariëtte walks by, sees the two playing, and decides to approach them.
Mariëtte: "What? She still plays with that old thing? Sheesh... Like, really?"
Mariëtte: "Oh, hi there Mr. Ron, hi Sara."
Mr. Ron: "Hello Mariëtte."
Sara: "... Hi."
Mariëtte: "C'mon Sara, don't be shy. Talk."
Sara: "... That's what the two of us were doing here?"
Mr. Ron: "Haha, that's true."
Mariëtte: "C'mon, there are more people in this house, craving for your attention."
Sara: "Er, nope."
Mariëtte: "Like..."
Lindsay: ".. Wha- oh hi Mary-Heath!"
Mariëtte: "Linds, have you talked to Sara yet?"
Sara: "oh god..."
Mariëtte: "Oh, you should definitely have a chat together, I'm sure you'll get along well."
Sara: "... It's Sara. With a rolling R and the a from... Australia? The last letter will do."
Lindsay: "Oooh, I see, you're the checkers' girl!"
Mariëtte: "You know how to play?"
Lindsay: "Err, nope."
Sara: "Now if you two don't mind, we're trying to play chess here."
Lindsay: "Ooooooh, it's chess! I never can tell the difference."
Sara: "Chess is on an 8x8 board, checkers on a 10x10--..."
Lindsay: "And? Sarah?"
Sara: "... Nah, I'll tell you later. Where were we."
Mr. Ron: "At last, I get a line again."
Mariëtte: "Don't break it off so all sudden - how rude."
Mr. Ron: "Coming from the one who interrupted us?"
Sara: "Yup, and you know I hate it when you randomly force me in a conversation, Mariëtte."
Mariëtte: "Oh, excuse me, ice queen."
Lindsay: "Hmm?"
Mariëtte: "I'm just trying to help you crawl out of your shell a bit, sheesh!"
Sara: "I don't need-"
Mariëtte: "I'll go somewhere else. Where they want to talk to people."
*Mariëtte leaves*
*Lindsay follows Mariëtte.*
Mr. Ron: "..."
Sara: "..."
Mr. Ron: "... your turn?"
Sara: "Ehm... No, I moved that last."
... I guess I jinxed it by recalling my time avoiding her earlier today."
The Persuasion Mission:
Beatrix-Maye: Good afternoon guys and girls...
John: Today's mission is called Persuasion. You need to write the sentence above my head with each of your names. *describing how it must be done*
Beatrix-Maye: Are you ready?
Everybody: Yes!
John: Okay who is first?
Camilla: Me...!
Camilla: I can offer you a free physical examination and health assessment. Find out if you have lupus today! (Offer does not extend to Mikale)
Beatrix-Maye: Haha, who's next?
Mr. Ron: I am Ronderful. Who wouldn't want to be teamed with Ron? Plus, all 3 of my letters are in AYTO (I think).
John: Wonderful! Next one...
Brad: R and A are two letters you can use in the sentence. Come on, guys! Gimme a break!
Beatrix-May: Yeah, give him your support... next one...
Mikale: "Croak, croak"
Bobbie-Sue: He is a skunk! Don't use him!
John: Next one, please...
Randolph: Pick me. It's RanDOlph, not RanDON'TLPHFSDAGSDS
Beatrix-Maye: Good one! Who's next?
Mariëtte: Indeed, leave him for the fish and pick Mariëtte instead! For both E's and Ë's. Plus Mariëtte has M, R, I and A. Pretty useful letters, including vowels.
John: Next...
Ed: 3 E’S, 1 Ed. You know what to do XD
Feather: Let's just say I know who is my perfect match. Please choose us!
Lindsay: Daniela is good to use, but I'm not... because I am even better. I am a Diamond. So keep me in mind if you search for N, A, and Y and get those precious bonus points :)
Darragh: I am a diamond!
Russell: Russell has a U. Everything is better with U.
Bobbie-Sue: I'm glad that my name isn't Jim.
Alyssa: I could really use a date, I'm yet to be on the main date, guys.
Ana: Well guys, Alec went and explored the endlessness of the universe and still came back to his time looking for love. You should give him a chance and make his time here worthwhile.
Also, he came back for ME. I must be pretty darned special! Which I am! My lucky partner will not be sorry so you should give me a chance!
Beatrix-Maye: That's a good sister to you... Haha... Next?
Joshua: J O S H U A, I got lots of potentials.
Alec: I am a diamond! I mean we always knew I am a special diamond which is why you should double choose me but since you can't use the same name twice, you should just use Alec AND Ana.
Beatrix-Maye: Sibling's love... Awww...
Caleb: I'm not the cursed one, so please choose me...!
Sara: Because I'm worth it!
Andi: One of us is a diamond, the other is just a silly little sausage, but still good none the less :3 Give us some love and some letters!
Fungi: Now Fungi has an N and a U that you can use in the sentence which is pretty useful.
Darnelle: Lots of E's, R, and A!
Daniela: My name got almost all the letters you need...
Leif: Poor old me, now I only got an E that is useful, Which is a bit of a bummer...
Well then here's some useful info you might not know about me, you see in ancient Scandinavian the name Leif or in Nordic Leif? is spelt with a ? meaning that Leif is the only person in the whole game who you can use for the question mark part of the sentence. ;)
John: Haha... And the last one...
Emily-Ann: I'm good, you can use me.
Beatrix-Maye: Okay you can do your sentences on your phones...
After an hour the calculations are in...
John: Congratulations to the winners!
Score Card:
Stay tuned to the next episode!
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