From the hot summer season Starlight Shores to the beautiful winter landscape of Hidden Springs...
Mikale: How cool is this!
Andi: Luckily they didn't ditch us again on an island somewhere between somewhere and nowhere...
Feather: But you did have fun there on the end...?
Ana: Yep, the jungle was something...
Bobbie-Sue: So what will we do first?
Joshua: What about the festival?
Caleb: That will be nice... Let's go!
Andi: So what will we do?
Feather: I will like to ice skate... Russell?
Russell: Sure...
Ana: I feel daring... Who wants to snowboard with me?
Caleb: "..."
Mikale: Count me in!
Joshua: Let's go have a snowball fight!
Bobbie-Sue: Yes, I'm in! What about the girls against the guys!
Mikale is up first on the snowboard...
Mikale: Here I go!Ana: Yes, go for it! Just don't fall off the board...
Mikale: Not in a million years! Weeeeeee....!!!
Mikale: Ouch!
Ana: Are you okay?
Mikale: Yep!
Ana: Okay my turn!
Mikale: Be careful...
Ana: Am I good or am I good!
Mikale: Awesome! Go, girl!
Ana: Oh no!!!
Mikale: Are you okay?
Russell: Are you sure you want to do this...
Feather: Aww, don't be a baby...
Russell: Awwwww......
Feather: Just keep your body straight up...
Russell: Like this...?
Feather: Yep... Ooooh...
Russell: Be careful!
Feather: I will...
Andi: Okay... Let's show them who's boss!
Joshua: That's us on this side!
Bobbie-Sue: Oooh... Missed!
Caleb: Take this!
Bobbie-Sue: Gotcha!
Andi: Here's another one!
Joshua: Ouch!
Bobbie-Sue: Haha, we win!!
After a nice day at the festival, they decided to have dinner at a nice Restaurant... (oops, can't remember the name)
(Who can remember this place?)
And everyone orders their favorite food...
Bobbie-Sue: Stop looking at her...
Mikale: What?
Bobbie-Sue: Do you have feelings for her...?
Mikale: Who are you talking about?
Bobbie-Sue: Didn't last night mean anything to you? I thought we are a match...
Mikale: "..."
Bobbie-Sue: Hello... I'm sitting here on this side...
Mikale: I think we are a match... I don't care what they say...
Feather: This place reminds me of the wild west... Arizona...
Russell: Is that the place where you came from?
Feather: Yeah... You should see the place now... It changed from then... I feel I'm in a different world... What do I say...? I'm on a different planet!
Russell: Aww, cool..! You must take me there...
Feather: I will be honored to take you there if I just know how to do that...
Russell: I think there are ways to do that... We will go with a time machine...
Feather: Aww... That will be awesome!
Andi: Do I imagine it or do Mikale have feelings for Ana?
Joshua: Yeah, it looks like that from their date...
Andi: But the previous matching ceremony shows they're not a match...
Joshua: That won't stop them from having feelings for each other...
Andi: Yeah, true... So do you think there is a chance for us?
Joshua: Do you think about last night?
Andi: Yeah, or do I mistaken me that there is, was sparks between us...?
Joshua: Maybe...
Andi: I know Beatrix-Maye put a love spell on all of us... But after it wears off this morning the feeling is still there... Or *blushing* don't you feel the same...?
Caleb: Thank you very much! It smells divine!
Ana: Do you think Mikale likes me?
Caleb: Huh?
Ana: Mikale...? I just saw him look at me...
Caleb: Why am I so unfortunate to find love? All the girls I like fell for someone else... Am I cursed?
Ana: Aww... No... You are good looking and handsome...
Caleb: But you don't like me in that way...
Ana: Sorry...
Caleb: Oh well... Go dance with him...
Ana: What...?
Caleb: Go dance with him! I can see you want to...
Ana: Really? You won't mind?
And that's how their date ends...
Back home:
Camilla: I still can't believe that Beatrix-May put a love-spell on us...
Emily: Haha... With the guys that had no matches, she surely felt she had to do something...
Darragh: But how do we know that we ended up with our perfect matches...?
Randolph: Yeah, I don't feel the girl I ended up was my perfect match...
Joshua: After our date, I can feel there are some sparks between me and Andi...
Darragh: Then you are very lucky because I don't feel that way...
Feather: You guys need to vote for us for the truth booth... Russell and I are a perfect match... I can feel it...!
Sara: How long do you know this Fungi girl?
Leif: You know when I met her...
Sara: Oh yeah, since season 2... So are you really a plant sim? How does it feel like to be one?
Leif: Mmmm... How does it feel like to be a human?
Sara: Hehe... TouchĆØ...
Leif: It's okay... So what do you say, can we go on a date sometime after the show?
Sara: Mmmm... Maybe one of us can ask the other on a date if we win a mission...
Leif: Yeah, that's an awesome idea... But in the meantime, can we go sit outside and have a chat...? I will like to know you better...
Sara: Sure, let's go...
Mr. Ron: Did you hear Beatrix-Maye are going to help me to turn human again?
Camilla: Yeah, that's awesome... But I kind of like you just how you are...
Mr. Ron: Really? Do you like this tin man?
Camilla: Yeah, you are a kind, funny and a lovable person... Just what a woman needs...
Mr. Ron: So will you go on a date with me when I'm human again?
Camilla: I will go on a date with you anytime... Just as you are...
Darnell: So do you think we are one of the matches in the first matching ceremony?
Lindsay: It will be awesome if it is, Tyler...
Darnell: I'm Darnell...
Lindsay: Oops... Sorry...
Darnell: This Tyler guy, are you an item?
Lindsay: Item? What do you mean?
Alyssa: May I sit here?
Alec: Sure...
Alyssa: Do you mind if I play my guitar?
Alec: Not at all...
Alyssa: What happened between you and Cizika...?
Alec: "..."
Alyssa: It's fine if you don't want to talk about it...
Alec: It's just...
Alyssa: Aww... Just forget it that I asked... Do you want to listen to another song?
Alec: Maybe I need to get this off my chest...
Alyssa: But...
Alec: Cizika and I were 'happy' if you can call it that way... At least I was...
I let her feed on me...

And then one day I asked her to turn me into a vampire like her...
All the time she kept on drinking my blood...
I start drinking Plasma Juice... The idea of human blood just creeps me out...
Then one day not long after I became a vampire... (Thank you Rosey for this story)
Cizika ditched me on an alien planet 500 years into the future,
upon which I was enslaved by an evil alien race for over a decade.
A decade which I spent biding my time honing my skills until one day I decided to break out.
Dodging laser fire and minions of my oppressors, I boarded one of their own spaceships and blasted off the planet’s surface.
I shouted the words “I’M IMMORTAL” and sent missiles blazing down to the planet behind him.
I didn’t look back as the explosions roared in my ears.
I saw Cizika again at a port just six months later. I was angry, and shouted at her, “HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME. I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!”, to which Cizika did not reply.

She crouched into a fighting stance. Her eyes gleamed. She licked her lips. “Let us see what you have learned,” she said.
I dove at her. We battled hand to hand, a single combat. Neither yielding.
Immortal energy courses through both of us, until eventually I gained the upper hand. I threw Cizika to the ground and stood above her. “I yield to you,” she said.
Alec's voice started to fade away as he relives the time with Cizika... Alyssa sits quietly and just let him be... She knows now is not the time to talk... After a while, she gets up and leaves him with his own thoughts...
Alec's thoughts...
Both were smiling. In those few weeks, years had melted away. Alec offered Cizika his hand. Realization dawned on Alec. “This is what you wanted, isn’t it?”
“Yes,” Cizika replied, “You are no longer weak, Alec. You thought I loved you. I never did. But I saw potential in you. You followed me, despite my coldness. You stole from my room. I thought you were either brave or foolish. I have learned that sometimes one can be both. When you refused to yield to me I knew there was something in you besides weakness. I put you on that planet so you could find it. And you have.”
Alec stood tall, still looking down on Cizika. “You never loved me?” he asked.
“Is that really all that bothers you, Alec?”
“You said back then that you loved me, Cizika. It’s still true. I want you to say it again.”
She did not reply immediately. Seconds passed. “You’re still weak,” she says.
“ I disagree,” he replied, ”I am not the one on the ground.”
Cizika laughed then. “True, I did say I loved you. I was lying. I did not love you... I loved who I saw you would become.”
“You love me now, then?”
“Yes. You are the partner I have always dreamed of having.”
“Partner? As in marriage?”
“No. No, no. No. Business.”

Alec paused to think about this. Cizika had a ship. The Vixeness. He had been on it before. The fastest ship in the known galaxy. Armed to the teeth with cannons and lasers. A beauty.
Cizika gets to her feet. “She is glorious. We could own her together. I work for an agency in galactic law-enforcement. They asked me some time ago for a new member. They pay well, and the work is important. Join me and your name will ring in screams across the galaxy. Alec Himura, Killer of worlds, savior of systems.”
Years of fighting, side by side.
Kingdoms fell, governments collapsed under their iron boot.
The universe itself whispered as they passed.
“I have a sister, Cizika. On Earth.”

Cizika paused.
“No, you don’t, Alec. Earth was destroyed long ago,”
“I mean in my own time. I wish to return.”
Cizika staggered back, stunned.
“You must be joking, Alec. You are not so foolish,” she said.

“I love my sister,” he replied.
“Again with the love! You have never outgrown this weakness. We are partners, Alec. Even the stars fear us.”
“We are partners, but we are alone,” he replied coldly. “I have thought to do this for a long time. Now is the time. In fact, then was the time.”
Cizika sighed. “You will never see me again, Alec. Your sister will die and you will be alone on a dying planet.”
“I wouldn’t expect you to understand. You have no family, Francesca.”

“Do NOT call me by that name.”
Cizika slammed a fist down on the ship's controls. A laser fired out and exploded a nearby moon. Cizika roared.
“I... love you, Alec. Do not leave.”

“I know, Cizika. But I must do this.”
“You are a fool! A fool!”
Alec walked away.
That was the last conversation they had. After that, they flew to the nearest port. Alec stepped through the time portal without looking back.
For Alec's video click here:
Sung by The Wombats - Tokyo (Vampires and Wolves)
I just want to mention that Ninja has chosen all the songs for the episodes so far...
Thank you very much, Ninja!
Daniele: That night I really thought you're the one... But you rejected my kiss...
Randolph: But that didn't feel right... I knew I was under the love spell and we shouldn't be influenced by unnatural causes...
Daniele: But what if we are a match...? I wasn't under the spell. Only you were... And it felt right...
Randolph: You think so?
Daniele: With all my heart... Just give us a chance...
Randolph: Mmmm... Let me think of it, okay...?
Beatrix-Maye: Are you girls ready for the matching ceremony tomorrow night?
Mariƫtte: Yeah... I'm sure we will have some matches right this time...
Caleb: You girls need to choose the guys that you end up the other night...
Alec: But how do we know that they are our perfect matches...?
Sara: I know who I'm going to ask... But it isn't the one that I ended up with... I don't let me influence by a love spell...
Darragh: I heard you need ingredients for Mr. Ron's potion...? Can I help you looking for it? Do you know what you need?
Bobbie-Sue: Aww, thanks for the offer, but Mr. Ron and I already gathered it yesterday...
Darragh: Awww... Okay... Did you manage to get everything Beatrix-Maye needs?
Bobbie-Sue: Yeah... (and told them the story how they found it...)
Bobbie Sue: Beatrix said she might be able to help us with a potion that will bring you back to being human again! Isn't that great?
Ron: Yes! It's hard sleeping comfortably like this. I haven't gotten a good night's rest in months.
Bobbie Sue: Let's see, the ingredients for the potion are wolfsbane, glow orbs, and a ruby!
Ron: Those shouldn't be too hard to find.
Bobbie Sue and Ron go out to try and find all the ingredients. Fortunately, there was a small park where magical mushrooms were said to grow in abundance.
Mr. Ron went out to a field with a lot of rocks and minerals. He had to go later in the day because it was raining in the morning. "I'll be glad when a little bit of water won't short me out!"
Then Mr. Ron snuck into a local witch's garden and plucked some of the wolfsbane flowers off a plant in her backyard. He kept having to look over his shoulders to make sure the evil Lala Cupcake who lived there didn't catch him or she would surely turn him into a toad.
Ron handed over the wolfsbane and the ruby to Bobbie Sue.
"Now I'll give these to Beatrix. Maybe she can help us out with the potion. Then you will be a person again, Ron." Bobbie Sue gave him a big hug.
A tear came to Mr. Ron's eyes and he wiped it away quickly before it caused him to rust. "Maybe I won't be the last one picked next week." He smiled.
Darragh: Awesome... So you will be human again soon...
Mr. Ron: Yeah, and I can't wait for that day...
Darragh: I'm sure of it...! Where is she going?
Bobbie-Sue: Who?
Darragh: That one... *pointing to Emily-Ann*
Caleb: Mmmm... I think we need to find out for once and for all...
Darragh: What? Are you going to follow her?
Caleb: Yeah, I need to find out what she's doing all alone in the woods?
Darragh: Can I go with...?
Caleb: If you want to come with me you better move... She's already gone into the woods...
Bobbie-Sue: You guys better be careful... There can be thugs in the woods...
Darragh: We can look after ourselves... We will be okay...
Half an hour later...
Darragh: What is this place?
Caleb: Shh... There she is...
Darragh: She's talking to someone...
Caleb: Yeah, she's definitely talking to someone but I can't see with whom...
Darragh: Shall we go nearer?
Caleb: Mmm... No, I don't want her to see us... Oops, there she comes. Let's go behind those trees...
Caleb: Phew... That was close...
Darragh: Shall we go check that place out?
Caleb: Maybe another day... It's getting late and it's almost time for lunch...
Mariƫtte: I really don't think Darnell is my perfect match... There's no spark between us...
Ed: Yeah, Alyssa is definitely not my match either... She just got eyes for the vampire man, Alec...
Mariƫtte: Yeah... I wonder what does she sees in that man...
Ed: Mmmm... Some girls are attracted to vampires like that movie, Twilight...
Mariƫtte: Yeah, silly girls...
( Thank you Rosey for this story too)
Feather and Russell sit in silence. Russell coughs.
Feather looks out the window.
Feather jumps.
Feather: Huh? What?
Russell looks out the window.
Russell: I don’t see anything.
Feather: Oh! Oh no, I was just bored.
Russell coughs.
Feather: Are you sick?
Russell: No, no.
Feather looks out the window again. There is a thud as a bird crashes against the window pane. She leaps back instinctively.
Russell chuckles. Feather hits him.
Feather: It’s not funny! Poor bird.
Russell: Rats with wings.
Feather glares at him.
Russell: What?
There is silence for a few seconds. Outside the window, a small grey bird gets to its feet and flies away. Feather watches it go with relief.
Feather: I’ve always wondered why they do that. Flying into the glass over and over again.
Russell: They’re watching us, with those beady eyes. They’re watching me. Horrible, evil creatures.
Feather: Well. I think they’re cute.
Russell: You sound like a woman I once knew. Always feeding those darned pigeons. Couldn’t stand my shooting them, although she never complained about the meat.
Feather: That’s disgusting... Aah! A woman?
Feather sits up.
Russell: What?
Feather: A previous romance, then?
Russell: No...
Feather: Oh.
Russell: ...Yes.
Feather: Yes? I knew it! Who would have thought? What is her name?
Russell’s eyes narrow.
Russell: Why?
Feather: I’m curious.
Russell: No. You’re nosy.
There is silence.
Feather: You’re too quiet. Come on! What’s the story? A romantic tale of lies, love, lust, and leather? Ooh! Tragically brought to a close by a cruel twist of fate! Or a dashing debonair! Or a stormy angel with a heaving torso!
Russell: ...
Russell sighs. His sigh turns into a cough.
Russell: Nice story.
Feather: I like a good love story!
Russell: No you don’t.
Feather: Yes, I do!
Russell: You like a romance.
Feather: What’s the difference?
Russell: Romance is easy and fun. Love is not as pleasant.
Feather: But doesn’t love come with romance?
Russell: It does. But when romance leaves, love does not join it.
Feather: Hey, you’re a wise owl, aren’t you?
Russell: No.
Feather: So you and this woman had a romance?
Russell: No. No, what we have is love.
Feather: Have? You... still love her?
Russell: No.
Feather: Oh.

Russell: ...Maybe I do.
Russell: In some ways.
Feather: ...
Russell: In all ways.
Feather: ...
Russell scowls bitterly.
Russell: It doesn’t matter.
A veil of quiet falls over the room, desperate and smothering, but the veil is torn. Light pours in, brilliant and scorching like love itself. Silence hangs in the air, but the din of thought echoes and quakes to the four corners.
Russell thanks Feather for the conversation, and leaves the room, the veil trailing behind him.
Sometime during the night...
Mikale: Mmm... Let me see if I can hack into the AYTO database...
Alec: Yes! That was easy peasy... *hacking into the database*
Mikale: Let me see who is my perfect match...
Mikale: Ugh... Just what I thought...
Mikale: There's nowhere in hell that I want to be this girl's perfect match... Let's fix it...
Mikale: Okay... Let me put you here for a moment... And put .... next to my name... Perfect...
Mikale: Now to put your name here... Awesome! I like to be Cupid... ;) Hehe... Who else needs another match....? *shuffle a few more names*
Mikale: Okay... I think everybody will be happily ever after!
Mikale: Now let me put this back where I found it before someone catches me out...
Matching Ceremony number 3:
Beatrix-Maye: So are you ready to see if your chosen one is a perfect match?
Everybody: Yes!
Beatrix-Maye: Okay, it is.... *telephone rings* Ooh... let me get this first...
Beatrix-Maye answering the phone...
Beatrix-Maye: Hello...
???: "..."
Beatrix-Maye: What? How did that happen?
???: "..."
Beatrix-Maye: Now you say...
???: "..."
Beatrix-Maye: Okay, I will tell them... Goodbye!
Beatrix-Maye: I have an announcement to make...
Everybody: Ooooh...
Beatrix-Maye: The AYTO database has been hacked into and it appears that some of you don't have your original perfect matches anymore...
Daniele: We don't?
Beatrix-Maye: No...
Mariƫtte: But didn't they have a backup file to rectify it?
Beatrix-Maye: Unfortunately they haven't... The backup file has been destroyed when the hacker overwrites the files...
Darnell: Does that mean that we have more or less matches on the previous ceremonies?
Beatrix-Maye: Yep... I can confirm that you got 3 matches with the first ceremony and 1 match with the second...
Bobbie-Sue: What about the Truth Booth? Are there any perfect matches?
Beatrix-Maye: Unfortunately not... The truth booth stays the same...
Camilla: At least we have 1 extra match... Ooooh...
Beatrix-Maye: Okay are you ready for the truth booth?
Everybody: Yep!
John: The couple for the truth booth is.....
Bobbie-Sue and Mikale...
Beatrix-Maye: Are they a perfect match? Let see...
John: Aww... They are not...!
Mikale: Yes!
Everybody: Awwww......
Matching Ceremony:
John: Okay, let see how the girl does with the matching ceremony... Are you ready?
Everybody: Yes!
Beatrix-Maye: So who is first?
Sara: Me! I choose Brad!
John: Who wants to be next?
Mariƫtte: I'm choosing Darragh!
Beatrix-Maye: Next one...
Camilla: I think I will choose Alec...
John: Next...
Fungi: I will choose Randolph...
Lindsay: I will choose Tyler!
John: Who?
Darnell: Hehe, I think it's me...
Beatrix-Maye: And who wants to choose next?
Daniele: I think I will go with Leif...
Alyssa: I will choose Ed...
John: That leaves Emily-Ann with Mr. Ron!
Mr. Ron: *hopefully next week when I'm human again, the girls will choose me first and not last...*
John: Okay are you ready to see how many matches you have?
Everybody: Yes!
Beatrix-Maye: Okay let's see...
Everybody: One!
Everybody: Yes! Two!
Everybody: Oh my gosh! Another one!
John: It looks like that is all for now! Three matches!
John: Congratulations you've got 3 for this round! Good job girls!
Girls: Woot!
Stay tuned for another episode!
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